1. #1

    One shot 5E D&D in homebrew world. Young and new players welcome. Ultimate Licence.

    Im currently working on a short oneshot game in my homebrew D&D world.
    You would be playing children (under "adulthood" age around 10-14 for humans as an example) living in the small town of "Brink".
    It is autumn and the harvest festival is just about to start when strange things start happening in Brink.
    The magical streetlights turn a deep purple, almost black and children are going missing...

    Game Info(keep track of this as it will be updated over time
    Licence: Ultimate, can run for free demo users.
    System: 5e D&D
    Setting: Homebrew
    Voice/Text: It will be textbased using the fantasygrounds chat.
    Time for play: Yet to be set, but considering this monday 5 sep.
    Max players: 6 (new players will get first dibs)
    Alignment: No chaotic or evil characters.
    How to apply: Apply here in the forum, with a quick description of who you are, if you have roleplayed before and what kind of character you have in mind.
    Calendar listing: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=2165
    Server alias:Nosy Shaman Good Thug
    Password: none
    Follow this thread if you apply to join.

    Character creation
    You will make lv 1 characters using the players handbook.
    27 point buy for ability scores. No ability higher than 15 before race mods, no ability lower than 8 (p. 13 in PHB. p. 8 in the free BASIC rules available here https://media.wizards.com/2016/downl...icRulesV03.pdf).
    For starting equiptment you get:
    • A set of common clothes
    • A backpack
    • A Dagger
    • 10 gp in a belt pouch
    • A waterskin
    • Thieves tools (if a rogue)
    • Spellbook (if a wizard)
    • Holy symbol (optional)
    • Arcane focus or component pouch (if a wizard)
    • For other items and trinkets, ask.

    About Brink
    Brink is a small farming community on the edge on some large cliffs above the silkwind sea, who grew into a small thriving town.
    It is run by a mayor serving under the king of Rtae (a large city to the south).
    Places of interest are:
    The Tree of Mara: a temple to the godess of Mara, godess of nature, harvest, farming, birth. It is actually carved into a giant oak tree.
    Tent-Town: What the locals call the area where people who are too poor to afford a proper home live in tents.
    Geon's tower: The local wizard, living in a tall tower. He teaches the local wizard apprentices and also helps the town with magical business as well as tending to animals when needed.
    Oriks smithy: the local blacksmith Orik, a master craftsman.
    The three swine tavern and inn: the local tavern and inn.
    The pale rose: an old former church that is now the towns brothel.

    This is an adventure I am making for a group of younger players and Im testing it here first.
    Last edited by Wisewind; September 7th, 2016 at 13:18.
    Ultimate licence holder... I have the powerrrr to let anyone play.
    I have no idea of what your timezones mean if you dont add a GMT timezone reference
    Server alias: Nosy Shaman Good Thug
    D&D AL DCI#: 7203783000
    Skype: tenguhitori
    As an evil mage, it is my duty to be insane...

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