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  1. #1
    damned's Avatar
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    Basic XP Party Sheet Extension

    This basic extension was written as an option for when you have familiars or other NPCs in the Party Sheet and you dont want to split the total XP being awarded from a Quest or Encounter among the NPCs.
    Convoluted? Yes. This is not a true fix for that for all situations. Basically this extension still awards the XP to these actors but keeps the share being allocated to each player correct.
    This extension adds a No XP field at the top of the XP Tab. If you have a number of actors that should not receive XP indicate the number in this field.

    example: You have 4 players and 1 familiar. You adjust the No XP number to 1 (the familiar). When you award the 200xp for the Quest it awards each actor 50xp which is the correct amount - however the familiar also got 50xp.

    Suggestions, thoughts, whatever - welcome.

    Updated to current 5e ruleset Dec 2017.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Excellent! This will come in handy as I just had a ranger take the beast master path...... Thanks!
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  3. #3
    So I've begin trying to break this down in order to use it as a base for converting to the 3.5/PFRPG ruleset and I have some questions.
    I'm a long time OO programmer with a lot of scripting and high level language experience, so I'm seeing this through that lens.
    However, I'm also a total beginner with FG modding and lua, so please don't take any of this as criticism.
    I'm asking questions for my own edification and to help me diminish the learning curve in creating my first extension.

    Anyway, I'm looking at the 3.5 ruleset under ps/scripts/manager_ps2.lua and comparing it to your manager_ps2.lua.
    I'm wondering if you could possibly take a more direct approach?

    At a high level, would it not be simpler just to define a boolean somewhere (or continue using the "No XP" string) and then override ONLY the awardXP function of the original manager_ps2.lua, so that line 146:

    if sClass == "charsheet" and sRecord then

    adds an evaluation to check if the boolean (or "No XP" string) is found?

    Then nothing else needs to change anywhere else, the correct split for xp is determined, and the character(s) flagged for no xp don't get any on their sheet.

    Probably my lack of lua knowledge will show here, and there is some technical reason this is not feasible?

  4. #4
    incidentally, I said I'm comparing your code written for a 5e ruleset to the 3.5e ruleset - I misspoke.
    I was comparing yours to the original for the 5e ruleset.

    Just want to clarify that, as obviously there's little sense in comparing your code to the 3.5 ruleset.

  5. #5
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi nickabbey - first things first. Im a completely fricking useless programmer. Everything I do takes me 10x longer than it ought to and its usually done poorly. I tried a few ways of modifying less code and I couldnt get the syntax right and this is the version I was left with. By all means - pull it apart and improve on it or whatever. As far as 3.5e goes - I didnt even look. Its not that hard though - it may or may not be in the same file names, the same function names but you know know how an extension is put together so you can work through the appropriate 3.5e files and work out your method to change. One more big thing that I dont like in this one - I only changed one function and I thought I should be able to only include the one changed function but either I did something wrong (I was tired) or missed something obvious (tired and see point #1 - not very good at this) and it couldnt call the other functions when I didnt include them in the extension.

  6. #6
    Well, for someone who doens't know code your extension works exactly as intended - so that's a big score for you man!
    I started a thread in the workshop forum and Trenloe has kindly been guiding me through the basics.
    Mine will be ready soon, I hope. When it's done maybe we can work together to simplify yours.

  7. #7
    Something like this is what I've been looking for. This with your other extension to drag specific XP to individuals does quicken XP divisions. I was either dividing outside the program and assigning that XP or dropping NPCs from the group and readding them after the XP division.

    - Robert

  8. #8
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi Robert - the other extension is by Trenloe - and good news - he and nickabbey are building something a little more elegant for 3.5e and one of us Im sure will convert it to 5e... In the meantime this satisfies the not diluting the xp part of the challenge but does still award XP. So do keep your eye out for the other when it is finished.

  9. #9
    This extension is a godsend. I have 2 players that have animal companions that don't lvl up but need their own PC sheet as well as a PC that acts as the parties bag of holding. This allows me to make sure the characters xp values are correct (had an incident with them adding more xp than they should have previously) without deluding the total xp the players should be receiving.

  10. #10

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