5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by JimSocks View Post
    I take it there is no room left for this run, which is a major disappointment

    Not only is the time good (being a single father in CST time zone makes the little one asleep at that time which is a necessity) but I am dying to try a game in FG (preferably 5e too!)

    The short nature of your game also fits the bill for a first timer like me.
    Whaddya say lesliev? Can you add a seat for JimSocks? FG Daze is geared to allow new players such as JimSocks just such an opportunity to join. My suggestion: sometimes players cancel at the last minute, so having an extra signed up can work out just fine. And even if you get 100 percent attendance, it probably wouldn't slow things down too much to have another player. But it's your table, of course.

    Quote Originally Posted by JimSocks View Post
    However- I am having troubles actually getting into a game. I have applied to several, made sure to hit "yes" on the meet-ups, and sent a few PMs to the organizers (trying to ascertain if I am doing something incorrectly, or simply letting them know I applied in case the calendar system doesn't) to no avail, and to no replies.

    To further complicate matters, I can find more than one calendar (three?) that list games, and they don't seem to match, AND they show the games in GMT+0 time, and even then they don't appear on the correct day... I've checked my settings which seem to be in order so I can't figure that problem out yet.

    I'm starting to think that maybe
    A. I am doing something wrong (highly probable)
    B. The calendar interface is trickier than it looks to use (maybe?)
    Or C. The community for FG isn't very accepting of newbs (unlikely, as these forums would suggest otherwise)

    I am very excited to get into a game (I aspire to buy an ultimate forever license and do some DMing if it's as fun as the software looks to help make it!) but I am so far a bit downtrodden from my failed attempts to find a game like this one (which just seems like I rolled a natural 1 on my timing and missed this post when you were still LF players)
    JimSocks, take heart, just stick to it. Several things here: first, there are a lot of absentee calendar postings. I've applied to games too and gotten no responses. It's just a GM backing out or losing focus without cleaning up their calendar post.

    For the proper display of times so the GMT time is converted to your local time, there are two things to say:
    1. In the calendar view, times are always listed in GMT +0 time. This is a known issue that the devs haven't addressed yet. No way to fix it, just be aware.
    2. However, your local time will list correctly on the individual event page view IF you've set your timezone correctly in your profile. If you're NOT seeing your local time, you can click "change" in the "Scheduled play times" box on the right hand side of the screen where it says, "All time are [TIMEZONE]". Doing so will take you to the proper screen in your profile ("General Settings page) where you can specify your "Date & Time Options" (second from the bottom).

    Running: The One Ring and GUMSHOE--Esoterrorists (on hold); intermittently Fiasco and DramaSystem/Hillfolk
    Want to play: Pendragon, City of Mist, Dresden Files RPG, Orpheus, Changeling, Apocalpse World and more PbtA, Bluebeards Bride, Shadows of Esteren; anything by Bully Pulpit Games

  2. #22
    Wow Hector, thanks for the fast reply!

    I will get as prepared as I can in the event I get lucky and make it in. If I create a character on my own machine – I can simply import it into the GM's campaign once I enter correct?

    Aside from that, I need to make sure my team speak is in working order.

    Thanks for your insight into the calendars – I hadn't considered that GM's might abandon their own postings!

    Once again, thank you for your reply and I'll keep my fingers crossed that I can find a game soon.

  3. #23
    Ok I have created a character, Dazzle, a Rock Gnome Warlock (I wanted to go forest gnome but it wasn't a listed option for me in FG)

    I did the best I could but there were a few areas I wasn't sure about. First, the fields for special move/defenses I left empty because I wasn't sure they applied to me. Second- I found no feats within FG to choose from, so those aren't there. Next, there wasn't a pick-menu for Deity so I wrote one in, and I had no clue what to put in for faction. I chose my spells and cantrips, but was unsure of how to assign them to spell slots or even if that was necessary for now.

    Some background story:
    Dazzle used to be a study of a more noble deity, but Darien, the leader of his organization went mad and sought to have the faithful commit mass suicide in the name of their god. Darien and his fanatics, when met with opposition to this idea, decided those who would not go voluntarily would indeed go anyway, and much of the town was set ablaze. When Dazzle's wife Dala openly refused, Darien killed her himself. Darien opted not to commit suicide in the end even though hundreds did, and he persuaded his most loyal followers to go with him on a crusade to "enlighten" the rest of the world. Dazzle's pleas for strength and revenge fell on deaf ears to his god, but someone had indeed heard them. There, in his darkened heart beckoned The Fiend- who promised him what he desired in exchange for his worship. Dazzle agreed, and as he pulled himself from the ashes of a town he once called home, he set out to find the road that would lead him to find within himself the great power he would need to avenge those he loved most.

    I have also attached a couple of maybe-useful pictures, and my xml file I exported for review should I be accepted.

  4. #24
    Hi Jim!

    Thanks for your interest!

    I did specially hold open a place for a new player for several days, so it's just bad luck. But I do plan on running a few of these one-shots in the coming weeks. I was going to start on Friday but noticed it was close enough to FGDaze to compete for players so I decided it to take part in the event instead.

    I'm going to say no for this game, unfortunately, because I think the current balance is good and there are a lot of new people. I want to keep the game moving.
    But I have imported your character and you are welcome to connect to the server to refine it - the reason you don't have as many options as in the PHB is that you only have access to the SRD data. If you connect, you'll have the full PHB and can choose Rock Gnome etc. If someone does cancel, you can play.

    The server is currently running and connection details are here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=2046

    Spell slots: no you don't assign them now. You choose a slot when you actually cast a spell.

    If you don't get in on this game, there will be another one soon and I will give priority to people who haven't played before in future games, so just keep trying.

  5. #25
    @JimSocks: do add yourself to the calendar entry, I'll leave you there as Pending for now: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=2046

  6. #26
    damned's Avatar
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    Hey JimSocks in addition to HectorTrelanes comments I will add - especially for one-shots - try something different. I know 5e is what most of us want to play most of the time but there are some really good games running with different systems and different genres and one shots are perfect to experience these in. HectorTrelane is running an excellent Deadlands Noir adventure which is a very different setting to D&D and a whole lot of fun.

  7. #27
    @Tenabrae, @siegleeagle, @BDaniel you can connect to the server and build your character in advance with the full PHB if you like - I am keeping it running over the next few days. If we have at one more character pre-built, we only have to do 2 on the day of the game.

  8. #28
    Hey thanks for the replies gentlemen- and I'll do just that!

    I have signed up on the calendar and as soon as I follow the link you provided I'll take a peek at tweaking my character with the added PHB data.

    I'm gonna take a peek at the Noir event Damned, as anything to get into the action would be great
    Now if I could just get TeamSpeak to run on my computer I'd be golden! I should be able to either figure that problem out or run it on my mac downstairs and use two computers to play essentially.

    EDIT: I followed the link to the connection details but that just took me to the calendar entry. Are the connection details shown there and I am just not seeing them?

    EDIT 2: It does say "Discussion and announcements available to active members of the campaign only." at the bottom- could this be why because I am only "pending"?
    Last edited by JimSocks; June 23rd, 2016 at 00:58.

  9. #29
    @ lesliev sent you a PM.
    @ jimsocks hang in there, things have a way of working themselves out.

  10. #30
    @JimSocks: yes, sorry, I didn't realise the server details aren't shown to "pending" players. I'll switch you to active.

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