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  1. #11
    Yeah i did. Its 10 pm for me so thats perfect. Also i just pmed you with my email.

  2. #12
    Unless you have already, can everyone please tell me how much experience they have with:
    1. DnD
    2. 5th edition
    3. Fantasy Grounds

    I'm leaving FG up for the next 8 hours or so, in case anyone wants to start building their character with the PHB. Server details here:

  3. #13
    1. On and off since the mid-90s. Mostly DMing solo games with a friend, but some group experience, including playing a year-and-a-half-long campaign with MapTools when 4e came out.
    2. None
    3. None

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by lesliev View Post
    I'm leaving FG up for the next 8 hours or so, in case anyone wants to start building their character with the PHB. Server details here:
    Thanks for that! I'm not going to be able to be very early Friday night, maybe 20-30 minutes before the time max, so was able to figure out character creation today so I won't have to spend a lot of time on it then. (Not sure I got everything right, though, but should have time to do fixes that night still.)

  5. #15
    Cool, I'll take a look a bit later.

    I'll try to leave FG up as much as possible this week so people can build their characters in advance. The Demo version doesn't even provide SRD data so building a character can be quite a laborious process unless you can connect to a server. The wild magic Sorcerer that @siegleeagle wants to play is not part of the SRD data either, so just went for it and bought the whole PHB yesterday.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by lesliev View Post
    Unless you have already, can everyone please tell me how much experience they have with:
    1. DnD
    2. 5th edition
    3. Fantasy Grounds
    For me, the answers are:
    1. Medium amounts over the years, but last played 3.5
    2. None
    3. Lots

    To improve on #2, I'll take a crack at making a 5e character now, then send it your way.

    Running: The One Ring and GUMSHOE--Esoterrorists (on hold); intermittently Fiasco and DramaSystem/Hillfolk
    Want to play: Pendragon, City of Mist, Dresden Files RPG, Orpheus, Changeling, Apocalpse World and more PbtA, Bluebeards Bride, Shadows of Esteren; anything by Bully Pulpit Games

  7. #17
    By the way, if anyone wants to use the point buy system instead of the standard array when making their character, this website is quite useful: https://1d8.blogspot.co.nz/2014/04/p...d-next-5e.html
    You get 27 points to assign in 5th edition.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by lesliev View Post
    By the way, if anyone wants to use the point buy system instead of the standard array when making their character, this website is quite useful: https://1d8.blogspot.co.nz/2014/04/p...d-next-5e.html
    You get 27 points to assign in 5th edition.
    Just used this method to create a character, posted here--Wood Elf Ranger (switched concepts since this was easier to create than a Bard). I think I got everything correct except I'm confused about the armor--I think I added that correctly by dragging it manually, but please double check. Equipment should be double-checked, too. For Background, I made a custom modification to "Soldier" and chose "Refugee". I need to fill in character background (and Favored Enemy and Environment--should be Forest). Quick background: he has some type of dark past, perhaps with a parent who did a dark deed (or got blamed for something). His home forest was burned out by an enemy and he has grown up as a refugee, quite distrusting and embittered. He wants revenge or at least restoration and justice, but there is none to be had. His people is destroyed and the remnants scattered.

    Files for portrait and larger image to use in-game are attached, as well as my character XML.
    Last edited by Hector Trelane; June 21st, 2016 at 23:41.

    Running: The One Ring and GUMSHOE--Esoterrorists (on hold); intermittently Fiasco and DramaSystem/Hillfolk
    Want to play: Pendragon, City of Mist, Dresden Files RPG, Orpheus, Changeling, Apocalpse World and more PbtA, Bluebeards Bride, Shadows of Esteren; anything by Bully Pulpit Games

  9. #19
    Yeah, the AC calculation has to be entered manually.

    Leather armor AC is 11+(full)dex modifier, so you put '1' in the Armor box and choose FULL under Dex. So your AC ends up being 15.
    You put '1' because 10 is put in for you already, under 'Base'.

    I'll attach a pic.

    Attachment 14468

    I've uploaded the character and portrait on the server and changed the AC.
    I also put some of your items inside your Backpack - otherwise it looks good!

  10. #20
    I take it there is no room left for this run, which is a major disappointment

    Not only is the time good (being a single father in CST time zone makes the little one asleep at that time which is a necessity) but I am dying to try a game in FG (preferably 5e too!)

    The short nature of your game also fits the bill for a first timer like me.

    I have some experience playing over a real tabletop with my cousins YEARS ago (I'm in my 30s now so it was about 15 years ago) and I have watched ALL of dulox-oz's tutorial videos to get a handle on the FG DM and Client sides, following along with an ultimate of my own. They have been a huge help.

    However- I am having troubles actually getting into a game. I have applied to several, made sure to hit "yes" on the meet-ups, and sent a few PMs to the organizers (trying to ascertain if I am doing something incorrectly, or simply letting them know I applied in case the calendar system doesn't) to no avail, and to no replies.

    To further complicate matters, I can find more than one calendar (three?) that list games, and they don't seem to match, AND they show the games in GMT+0 time, and even then they don't appear on the correct day... I've checked my settings which seem to be in order so I can't figure that problem out yet.

    I'm starting to think that maybe
    A. I am doing something wrong (highly probable)
    B. The calendar interface is trickier than it looks to use (maybe?)
    Or C. The community for FG isn't very accepting of newbs (unlikely, as these forums would suggest otherwise)

    I am very excited to get into a game (I aspire to buy an ultimate forever license and do some DMing if it's as fun as the software looks to help make it!) but I am so far a bit downtrodden from my failed attempts to find a game like this one (which just seems like I rolled a natural 1 on my timing and missed this post when you were still LF players)

    Will you be holding another of these runs soon (or is there actually still room for me in this one and I have jumped to conclusions)? Additionally, if you have any tips to increase my chances of being invited to a game I would love to hear them.

    Thanks for your time and for suffering through my long post!

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