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    Advanced Player Guide - Almost Parsed (can I post this?)

    Hi all,

    I've spent a few days manually parsing the Advanced Player Guide. A few questions:

    1) Can I post this? I'm pretty sure it's all OGL compliant. All I did was take the standard Basic Rules mod, and add in the APG content so it's one, seamless module.
    2) There are still some errors (especially in the class section) - I need to fix it today, which I'm working on, but I wanted to share for feedback now.
    3) Adding the base class variants today as well.
    4) Is there anyway to create a feat list table, like the 4e ruleset allows for? That specific frametype doesn't appear to be available in 3.5e, but with the added feats from the APG, the feat list is pretty cluttered.

    A few notes:

    1) The new classes can be lengthy - I added new link sections for Oracle Mysteries, Alchemist discoveries, and Eidolon evolutions. They don't work yet, though
    2) WHAT'S IN: Feats, Classes, Gear, Weapon, Armor.
    3) WHAT'S NOT: Traits (not used enough), and Spells (as that's already parsed by Trenloe in the enhanced spell list).
    4) Gear is split into two sections as well (Adventuring Gear, Goods & Services).

    Any feedback is awesome, thanks!

    EDIT: Done!
    EDIT #2: Forgot to add that this also includes gear & feats from the Adventurer's Armory.
    Last edited by bnason; June 4th, 2012 at 14:26.

  2. #2
    Many thanks! I was going to ask soon when or if the core Pathfinder support would add the APG, UM, UC, and other books officially. There are community sets for Spells, Bestiaries, NPCs, and Magic Items already, but official treatments would be nice (and Bestiary 1 is still not complete in any case).

    I am of two minds regarding the inclusion of the Core Rules material in your module.

    On the one hand, a book-specific module (not repeating what is in the Core) would be easier for GMs to use with other book-specific modules for Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, the Advanced Race Guide, Ultimate Equipment, and so on... enabling or disabling the content by book is quite useful. Alterantively, a set of "All Classes", "All Feats", and "All Equipment" modules might have been good companions to the existing "all spells" and "all magic items" modules. (Note: There is a fan-based "All Equipment" module in the works already")

    On the other hand, as someone who uses it all, I very much like having all of it in one place. It is quite convenient to be able to go to just one listing of Feats, Classes, Equipment, etc.

    With regard to legality, I think as long as you stick with what is in the PRD (Pathfinder Reference Document), you should be fine. The issue would be using anything Golarion-specific (I note "Shoanti Bolas" in the weapons list.. as the Shoanti are Golarion-specific, that might be an issue, but if they're in the PRD, you should be Ok).

  3. #3
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silveras
    With regard to legality, I think as long as you stick with what is in the PRD (Pathfinder Reference Document), you should be fine. The issue would be using anything Golarion-specific (I note "Shoanti Bolas" in the weapons list.. as the Shoanti are Golarion-specific, that might be an issue, but if they're in the PRD, you should be Ok).
    If you adhere to the Paizo community use policy you can include names used in most (but not all) Paizo products:


  4. #4
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silveras
    I am of two minds regarding the inclusion of the Core Rules material in your module.

    On the one hand, a book-specific module (not repeating what is in the Core) would be easier for GMs to use with other book-specific modules for Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, the Advanced Race Guide, Ultimate Equipment, and so on... enabling or disabling the content by book is quite useful. Alterantively, a set of "All Classes", "All Feats", and "All Equipment" modules might have been good companions to the existing "all spells" and "all magic items" modules. (Note: There is a fan-based "All Equipment" module in the works already")

    On the other hand, as someone who uses it all, I very much like having all of it in one place. It is quite convenient to be able to go to just one listing of Feats, Classes, Equipment, etc.
    If you keep the same XML format and naming across the modules you can view all of the data in one library window. Then, you can use module activation to control what modules you are using for that campaign and just open one of the lists in the library to see all allowed entries for this campaign. I haven't specifically tried this myself - there has been a post relating to this that I can't find at the moment. But I have seen spell modules combining their entries into one list.

  5. #5
    I thought about doing this as a separate module, but decided that the frustration of two sets of gear lists, etc., would get a little annoying.

    Also couldn't think of a way to get everything in one list without modifying the core Basic-SRD files. For example, if I wanted a combined gear list ... I'd either have to:

    1) Create a list of gear in the new module, and pull in reference items from the Basic-SRD module. Which, would require that module to be open, which would in turn mean that it's own gear list would appear in the library next to the new gear list.

    2) Modify the Basic-SRD lists to reference the new items... which is obviously not a workable solution.

    Is there some other way to do this? I parsed everything into individual XML files, so it would be pretty easy to reconstruct the Advanced data again, in a way that merges it with the Basic-SRD data.

  6. #6
    I had noticed this thread in the Armory forum, on making Library modules. There is a discussion about indexing on the second page, on or around post #16 in the thread. I don't think it gets into how to combine elements, though. Is this the one you were thinking of, Trenloe?

  7. #7
    Got the final stuff in - all of the variant rules, new talents under classes, domains, yada yada yada. It's not pretty (lots of giant text blocks in reference windows), but it works, and is easier than doing a lot of smaller link lists.

    Any feedback/errors, holler @ me.

  8. #8
    Blackfoot's Avatar
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    Typo in PFRPG Module..

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to report this or not.
    There is a minor issue in the PFRPG Advanced Rules Module.
    Hide Armor is listed as: AC 3 Max Dex 4 ACP -3
    This SHOULD be: AC 4 Max Dex 4 ACP -3
    A minor, easily fixed issue.. but it is incorrect.
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    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackfoot View Post
    I'm not sure if this is the right place to report this or not.
    Moved post here as this is the module thread, and it's not a Smiteworks provided module. As bnason hasn't been on the forums since July last year, I reckon it's up to you to post an updated module?
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    Actually.. I'm not sure this is the module I'm talking about... the name seems to be different... I'll verify it to be sure. Certainly it's easy enough to fix it.
    Hrm... interesting.. this does appear to be the one. OK. I'll correct it and post it. This one has generally been more accurate than the basic rules one.
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