1. #1

    4E Encounter Building - Auto-calculate XP totals?

    Hi all, been using FG as a player for a while now, just getting started with the Ultimate License and running a campaign. I saw in Fantasy Ground's video about Encounter Building in D&D 5E, how the board would automatically adjust CR and XP totals when the DM added monsters to an encounter. (This video: )

    Is there any way to have the D&D 4E version of Fantasy Grounds similarly auto-calculate Encounter XP totals when adding monsters? It sure would be handy, especially when you've got 10+ monsters of varying XP values. It SEEMS like this would be easy enough, assuming the monsters being added had a proper XP value assigned to them. Is this an option on the board I just haven't found yet? (I did some searching on the forums here but "experience" and "XP" is difficult to search for, since most of the threads were talking about experience with the table or D&D in general...)

    Thanks for any help!
    Last edited by Rades; October 12th, 2015 at 20:42.

  2. #2
    I haven't seen one (or don't remember one), but it's been a while since I've played 4E. It is something that could be built as an extension by a community developer.


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