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  1. #41
    Brilliant! Well done guys. I could only play on Sunday, but I got in a great game of Weird Wars 2/Achtung! Cthulhu run by Grapper, and a (damn near cathartic dose of Sci-Fi finally) great game of Savage Worlds Firefly and met some really fun gamers! Be looking forward to videos of those two soon.

    Thanks again, Grapper... Sunspoticus... and especially Damned... Bravo!

  2. #42
    damned's Avatar
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    FG Con 6 dates have been announced!
    April 17th-19th 2015.

    View the latest FG Con newsletter here: https://www.fg-con.com/?wysija-page=...ew&email_id=25

    FG Con 6 will run from Friday evening 17th April (Aus and NZ) thru until late on Sunday 19th (US and Canada). Thats nearly 70 hours of great games on offer for players to participate in, 70 hours for GMs to show case their latest creations and for everyone to meet new people and plan great and heroic adventures!

    GM registration officially opens on February 2nd - we are just finalising some coding updates. Many of you will already know the drill and we hope to see a bunch of new GMs joining in the fun for this great event. Once again SmiteWorks have agreed to promote all Full Licenses to Ultimate for the duration of FG Con opening the games up to more GMs and Players!

    Players - you cant sign up for games just yet - player registration will open on February 28.

    Some of the highlights of FG Con 5 -

    • We ran 48 sessions - thats 23% more than FG Con.
    • We had over 280 bookings which is almost 50% more than FG Con 4.
    • We ran our first hangout sessions and recorded them live onto Youtube. The 4 Hangout Sessions were for new Players and GMs and can be found here: https://www.fg-con.com/latest-news/f...ut-recordings/
    • 18 Pathfinder Society Events
    • Games in Swedish and German
    • Over 20,000 visits to the https://www.fg-con.com site

  3. #43
    Good stuff! Thanks for organizing well in advance.

    Running: The One Ring and GUMSHOE--Esoterrorists (on hold); intermittently Fiasco and DramaSystem/Hillfolk
    Want to play: Pendragon, City of Mist, Dresden Files RPG, Orpheus, Changeling, Apocalpse World and more PbtA, Bluebeards Bride, Shadows of Esteren; anything by Bully Pulpit Games

  4. #44

  5. #45
    Yes I will run at least one session! Have some other plans too... not sure if they'll be ready by FG Con 6 but if not then FG Con 7...

    Running: The One Ring and GUMSHOE--Esoterrorists (on hold); intermittently Fiasco and DramaSystem/Hillfolk
    Want to play: Pendragon, City of Mist, Dresden Files RPG, Orpheus, Changeling, Apocalpse World and more PbtA, Bluebeards Bride, Shadows of Esteren; anything by Bully Pulpit Games

  6. #46
    damned's Avatar
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    Well - I look forward to seeing it whenever its ready

  7. #47
    damned's Avatar
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    Woohoo! FG Con 7 is open for player registrations. 25 sessions posted already and now taking bookings!
    I have 16 more GM sessions in the works and I know there are others coming too.

    GMs dont be shy - run a game and share your RPG talents with players new and old!
    Players - spread the word - invite a friend - try something different!

    If you are considering running a game but are hesitant for any reason drop me a PM and we'll see if we can help you out.

    There is a loose Fright Night! theme but its completely open to the GMs what they run. Im running a some Investigative Cthulhu and some old school Fantasy Hack and Slash!

    If you want some signature banners Ive made up a few here - https://www.dropbox.com/s/h73p3embzq...tures.txt?dl=0

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