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  1. #1

    The Game Calendar

    We've implemented a dedicated Game Calendar that let's you keep track of campaigns, sessions, offline messages and GM announcements. It's available at this link. Please note that you need to be registered and logged in to take advantage of the calendar.

    We consider the service to still be in a beta phase, which means we may make modifications or need to run maintenance on it from time to time in the coming weeks. We also welcome any suggestions and feedback.

    The calendar, we hope, should supercede much of what is currently taking place on this board. We will leave the board up for now, at least until we have all the kinks worked out of the new system and everyone has had ample time to move their campaigns into the Calendar. Still, this board might be merged, moved or removed at a later time.
    Tero Parvinen
    Fantasy Grounds Guru

  2. #2
    OK, I set my campaign up on there. Will see how it works out.
    • snikle •
    . .lapsus calumni. .

  3. #3
    I see that separate discussions are tied to the campaigns. Can these (or portions of these) discussions be made public?

    In other words, can we show others what is going on in the campaign, post session logs, etc. to generate future interest while keeping other threads private to only the campaign members?
    Murder at Avedon Hill - Official site for novel being released February, 2007 (podcast release also begins February, 2007)
    Four Ugly Monsters - Honorary Monster, ret.

  4. #4
    A quick update on what's been changed:
    • Added time zone information to the campaign pages. It will now display the time zone used by the GM, as well as informing the user viewing the page of his/her selected time zone, and the fact that all times are adjusted for that.
    • Fixed the times displayed on the community page. They weren't adjusting for time zones.
    • Adjusted the session time entry logic so that it accepts times in "pm" form and defaults to pm if you just type a single number between 1-11 (which isn't a formal time representation, this is for convenience). The following should now be all valid (and the same time) "6", "6pm", "18", "18:00". You can also use "6:30pm" to represent "18:30", if you wish.
    • Private sessions listed (due to the fact that you are a player or GM in them) will have a small lock icon to indicate the fact.
    • You can invite players to your campaigns (including private) by going to the user's profile page on the boards and clicking on a name of a campaign created by you listed there. This will result in the targeted user seeing an invitation notice on the community main page, and seeing the campaign on the calendar page if it is private. We're looking into other options for performing the invite.
    Tero Parvinen
    Fantasy Grounds Guru

  5. #5
    Can you add the option for a player to cancel a request for signup? I accidentally registered for campaign not realizing the timezone difference and still am in pending status and would like to cancel my request.

  6. #6
    This looks like a rather interesting feature. It's been a long while since I've been around these messageboards with my workload increase since my college graduation. Hopefully will have it under control within the next few weeks.

    I notice the game calendar lists campaigns, but not adventures. I'm wondering if the term 'campaign' is used interchangeably with adventure or not. For example, I run multiple adventures, but they aren't completely tailored together as one campaign. While the nature of the adventures are in the same world (Thus making them somewhat apart of the same campaign), they are independant form eachother, allowing the accomodation of new players and the departure of current players with a bit more ease.

    So what I'm getting at is, can I run one game and call it "Shieldforthcoming" and stick multiple adventures under it, such as: "The Broken Mountains" and "Mistwell Melodies: The Tomgale Talisman", allowing me to post all my story revisions (when I get them done someday) ? If not, can I simply just make multiple "campaigns" (aka adventures), and simply close them when they end?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Goblin-King
    The calendar, we hope, should supercede much of what is currently taking place on this board. We will leave the board up for now, at least until we have all the kinks worked out of the new system and everyone has had ample time to move their campaigns into the Calendar. Still, this board might be merged, moved or removed at a later time.
    I think you should leave the board up long term. It would help serve as a place to garner ideas for campaigns and guage interest before an actual campaign is posted.

  8. #8
    Uhhhh... Thank you for making it so that PM is displayed. Now can you please fix it so that I can place a time in the AM? I am typing 09, 9, 9am, and 9AM. It is being displayed as 9 PM.

    I always start at this time, (in the AM) so it could be confusing to my players.


    Ultimate Licence holder

    I've had FG for so LONG I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT!

    But I'm learning!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by kalmarjan
    Uhhhh... Thank you for making it so that PM is displayed. Now can you please fix it so that I can place a time in the AM? I am typing 09, 9, 9am, and 9AM. It is being displayed as 9 PM.
    Hmm... I'll have a look, but in the mean time, try "9:00".
    Tero Parvinen
    Fantasy Grounds Guru

  10. #10
    how about putting a link for the calender on the home page, right next to the community link?

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