5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    How to enable a charsheet entry to accept a link (these red boxes)?


    I had just finished creating some modules for the "Das Schwarze Auge 4.1" Ruleset, when I found out that the ruleset does not support linking information entrys to skills / feats and such.

    I took a look into the CoreRPG Ruleset, where there had been defined acceptdrop - which seems to be neccessary - and the "button_iedit" and "button_iadd".

    I tried entering these lines of code - and could produce a new entry in the listing - of course without content - by dragging the library entry into the listing. But the button did not appear.

    I searched through the whole CoreRPG files, but have not found andy definition for the button_iedit and button_iadd.

    Can you tell me, where I can find the definition of these red buttons, where you can link the library entries to the existing lines?

    Looks like this:
    Attachment 10781

    And I want such a buton in front of it:
    Attachment 10782

    Any Ideas where I can find a simple solution to add these reference boxes?

    The Code in Question looks like this (it's part of the module DSA_DZ_4.1WE):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <root version="2.9">
    	<windowclass name="charsheet_talente_kampf">
    		<nodelete />
    			<frame_char name="skillframe">
    				<center />
    				<static>AT / PA</static>
    			<windowlist name="skilllist_kampf">
    				<allowcreate />
    				<allowdelete />
    				<script file="charsheet/scripts/charsheet_skilllist.lua" />
    			<button_iedit name="abilities_iedit">
    				<anchored to="skilllist_kampf" position="aboveright" offset="5,5" />
    			<button_iadd name="abilities_iadd">
    				<anchored to="abilities_iedit" position="lefthigh" offset="5,0" />
    <!-- END OF MY EDIT -->
    				<center />
    			<windowlist name="skilllist_fernkampf">
    				<allowcreate />
    				<allowdelete />
    				<script file="charsheet/scripts/charsheet_skilllist.lua" />
    <!-- more stuff, cut for better viewability -->

  2. #2
    Trenloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    button_iedit and button_iadd aren't the link buttons - they are buttons used as part of the edit process: to enter edit mode (button_iedit) and to add a new record (button_iadd) once in edit mode. See the + (button_iadd) and / (button_iedt) in the following screenshot.

    The link you're looking for is a <linkfield> entry (in CoreRPG). For example, in the recrd_char_abilities.xml file, char_ability windowclass:

    	<windowclass name="char_ability">
    		<margins control="0,0,0,2" />
    			<genericcontrol name="rightanchor">
    				<anchored height="0" width="0">
    					<top offset="2" />
    					<right />
    			<button_idelete name="idelete">
    				<anchored to="rightanchor">
    					<top />
    					<right anchor="left" relation="relative" offset="-5" />
    			<linkfield name="shortcut">
    				<anchored to="rightanchor" width="20" height="20">
    					<top />
    					<right anchor="left" relation="relative" offset="-5" />
    				<description field="name" />
    				<readonly />
    These links are directly added to a record within a windowlist, not the headers, etc.. You'll need to add a shortcut to your charsheet_skilllistitem_fernkampf windowclass.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #3
    You're awesome, Trenloe. Found the right places to edit, took a look in some other rulesets regarding the linkfield, and I am not at this code:

    			<linkfield name="shortcut">
    				<description field="linkfeld" />
    				<allowdrop />
    And it looks and works the way I like it.

    Attachment 10783

    Thanks! Now I can adapt this method to all other areas I need these linkfields.

  4. #4
    Is this going to be the English translation of The Dark Eye?

  5. #5
    Nope. It will still be the german version of the "The Dark Eye" Ruleset, but with the possibility to attach library entries to your skills / feats / spells / etc.
    When I'm done I will upload a "changelog" - so that you can modify the existing ruleset on your own to have the same functionalities.

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