Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    (A!C) Acthung! Cthulhu - Savage Worlds - Horror-themed WW2 Oneshot

    Looking to run a series of short Achtung! Cthulhu games as a litmus test for a longer campaign. Achtung! Cthulhu is a horror themed game set in WW2, and I will be running it with the Savage Worlds rules system. SW is a relatively rules-light system and not difficult for beginners to learn. EDIT: I won't be using pregens unless someone specifically wants me to make their character; I will be happy to work with people to build something a bit more personalized.

    Scheduling -
    I plan to run on Wednesday afternoon or evening, depending on players' schedules. I am in USA EST (GMT -4, with current DST), and am pretty flexible on start time. Three to four hour sessions are the goal.

    Questions are welcome.
    Last edited by Black Hammer; August 25th, 2015 at 00:43.

  2. #2
    I'd love to play, please count me in; I can play whenever we need to, my hours are open.

  3. #3
    Just a few addendum to add-

    1) I've narrowed down the time a bit; based on player interest so far, looks like we'll be starting between 6-8PM EST (GMT-4) on Wednesdays.

    2) As previously mentioned, it will be Achtung! Cthulhu in Savage Worlds. Beginners to RP or folks just new to the system/setting are quite welcome.

    3) Do not expect everything to be automated; while Savage Worlds is a fairly simple system, most of the materiel I'll be using isn't included in official modules, so getting handmade things to tally up correctly is a bit of a work in progress.

    4) Will be using FG for character sheets, chat, etc, and TS for voice.

    5) As always, please feel free to PM me with questions or post them here.

  4. #4
    Final addendum (for now)

    Will be finishing up some character creation tonight, still have room for one more player. Shoot me a PM on here and I'll be in touch.

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