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  1. #1

    The Quick sheet for spells

    The quick sheet offered to keep trak of prepared spells needs 2 be biger or able 2 scroll. And It would help if u could check off spell.
    Any chance of a magic iteam list. say for wand and spell charges as well as scrolls and potions
    Nobody has fun til sombody gets hurt

  2. #2
    You can do it yourself with very little effort. That is the beauty of the software, it is customizable. You're probably thinking "It should already be that way". But that may be a requirement for you but not others. With it being customizable you can make it exacly the way you want it rather than having a sheet with everyones requirements that would be cluttered. If you'd like some help with it I would be happy to help you out. I won't do it all for you, but if you want to dig in and give it a try, I along with others in the community would be able to answer your questions. The first place you should look is HERE for instructions on creating a custom ruleset which is what you will have to do to make any modifications.
    Welcome to the boards!

  3. #3
    Sigurd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Ontario, Canada
    You can do it yourself with very little effort.
    Yes but this is a fairly universal problem. I certainly would appreciate it. If the holders of the code do it, it will not step on the next revision.

    I second this idea.

    Perhaps those who want a grass roots solution can offer it to smit works.


  4. #4

    Re: The Quick sheet for spells

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Robert of Worcester
    The quick sheet offered to keep trak of prepared spells needs 2 be biger or able 2 scroll. And It would help if u could check off spell.
    Any chance of a magic iteam list. say for wand and spell charges as well as scrolls and potions
    You can resize the spell quick sheet by keeping control down and dragging down with the mouse on the sheet. You should also be able to scroll it with the mouse wheel. Looks like this sheet is missing the scroller button, thanks for the observation, will fix this in a patch.

    Item handling will be improved with the new features that will come in 1.06, and they will be implemented in the default d20 ruleset. The details aren't all quite finalized yet, so I can't really be more specific than that at this point...
    Tero Parvinen
    Fantasy Grounds Guru

  5. #5
    Sigurd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Ontario, Canada
    Thanks for the update Tero.

    Good luck with 1.6. We wait with baited breath


  6. #6

    Another thing I notced.

    The character sheet doen't alow for muti-class 2 keep track of two diffrent spell class list/
    Nobody has fun til sombody gets hurt

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