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  1. #11
    Hello, yes I'm new to P&P D&D and I'm interested in this, I am not new to the idea of D&D and I've watched a lot of games so I'm aware of the tendencies of homebrew 5e.

    Thanks for this offer, I'm 30.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Springfield, MO
    we still planning to get together to finalize characters this weekend?

  3. #13

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Im curious if there was still a spot open and if so what the time was for the session. Ive played mostly pathfinder, DM'd a couple of times and just finished with Hoard of the dragon queen. Wednesdays would work but it would only work if I was able to join at 5:30 MST.

  4. #14
    Sorry guys, I got hit with a case of the real lifes : /

    All is good though, we are still on schedule to play this week. It seems like the forums don't really have a space to just chit chat about stuff, so I was trying to think of another way for us to communicate...do you all use Facebook? We could create a side group with chat, a calendar, ect.

    I'll be on after 4:30 Monday and Tuesday this week if you guys want to jump in and finalize anything about your characters. You can also PM me through here, Ill set up an email alert on my phone. TTYL

    Oh also, I'm sorry but we don't really have any more room at the moment for new players : / We are at 6, with a 7th in reserve. But we will see what happens at the first session this week. It isn't uncommon for 1 or 2 people to disappear before the first game. I'll let you know if space clears up.

  5. #15
    No worries, sorry for bugging you before about details.

    Anyway I've pretty much finished everything, just need you to look at it and let me know if it's appropriate.

    Took a few days but I reworked the background and I'm looking forward to the adventure.

  6. #16

  7. #17
    Sorry but I don't use FB, if it isn't too much of a bother cant we just use steam group chat function?

  8. #18
    With everyone having different schedules, a static place to post things like Facebook will serve us well. While we are running an actual session, we will use Steam or Vent to communicate, though.

  9. #19
    I have set up the teamspeak channel for us if steam fails.

    If you log into the FG server the channel is under DD 5e as FG Prince of the Apocalype Wednesday
    PM me for the password

  10. #20
    We'll be starting in just a bit.

    The room is up. I may be AFK here and there until 5:30, but I'm here. See you all soon

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