5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    Another New Game for New Players

    Another New Game for New Players

    Actually this will be a “second run” of a stand-alone introductory Fantasy Grounds D&D 3.5 module I have put together and have just about completed with another group of players.

    This game is geared to novice D&D 3.5 players (of which I am one myself) who wish to try out the Fantasy Grounds program. Prospective players need to keep in mind that I have rather limited D&D and DM experience. Also, that role-playing will be emphasized over “roll” playing.

    Dates: Wednesday November 30, December 7, and December 14. (3 Sessions)
    Start Time: 8:00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time / GMT-5)
    End Time: 11:00 PM EST (Sessions will run no later than this)

    If you are interested, and you can make a reasonable commitment to participate in the three scheduled sessions, send me a PM. I will then contact you with further information. I'm looking for 4 (possibly 5) players.

    NOTE: Those of you who have already expressed interest and are on my waiting list will be given first priority - but I do need to hear from you again. Also, higher priority will be given to players that can meet with me on-line (sooner than later) for initial character creation.

    In the meantime, you can find more information on my game by visiting the game's website at https://groups.msn.com/KingdomsofAlbion. There you can find information on player responsibilities, the campaign world, and some sample character backgrounds.

    -Prince Bertram

    P.S. Link active now I hope.

  2. #2
    the link to the msn group doesn't work.

  3. #3

    Re: Another New Game for New Players

    Need One More Player

    I have one opening left for an interested player who can make a reasonable commitment to participate in the three scheduled sessions (game schedule shown above in the initial post). If seriously interested, send me a PM. I will then contact you with further details.

    NOTE: Those of you who have already expressed interest and are on my waiting list will be given first priority - but I do need to hear from you if we have not already communicated with each other. Also, higher priority will be given to players that can meet with me on-line (sooner than later) for initial character creation.

    -Prince Bertram

    P.S. Link to website should work now.

  4. #4

    Pick me Pick me

    Im more than inerested.
    WHat levels will we be playing
    I would like to try my spellsword character.
    Nobody has fun til sombody gets hurt

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