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  1. #21
    I'm fine with either class/archetype.
    Personally I feel point buy prevents the possibility of an over or under powered character and puts all the players on the same level. That being said, if the party wishes to over rule by a majority consensus and go for stat rolls then I will concede my notion of balance: allowing the players to do a in-person roll.
    Should the group decide to run with my preference, it would be 20 point buy, max starting hp and max starting gold. Haven't decided if I want 3/4 hp gain after first or roll hp after first.
    I'd have to agree on the cut off time. More than likely I'll face desk after 1am.

    My brain miss fired trying to calculate time zones. Doug is available starting at 8pm central. Babylon is available starting at 9pm central. I'm checking with Doug on the correct time to see if he's down for the 9pm central start.
    Last edited by Swipht; May 10th, 2015 at 11:33.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Swipht View Post
    Had a lot of irl stuff going on the past couple days: All good stuff so don't worry. Haven't heard back from Eazy one way or another. Doug has e-mailed saying he's good for 10pm central. Parasitic, and kleam you're very welcome to join us. If I got positive affirmation back from Eazy that would be a total of 6, which would be about my limit.

    Is 10pm central to late? Is 9pm central a hard limit?

    If Eazy doesn't get back to me then we'd be at 4 possible players, and I'd still have room for 1-2 more.
    Hi... Sorry, didn't get the email notification you responded. Myself and a buddy are very interested still.

    We're both EST... Late on Friday is perfect

  3. #23
    So Doug also confirmed for 9pm central (10pm est) Fridays. I'm not a big night owl, 12am central cut off would be ideal for me. . . However 3 hours for a text based game isn't very long, so I could push to 1am cut off. Babylon stated 1am central was his cut off limit already, how does everyone else feel?

    Doug has also expressed interest in playing a sorcerer.

    Glad to hear back from you Eazy. Looks like we've got 6 total interested now, and that'll be my limit on players. . . Unless someone drops out before the game starts. I have my Mom visiting from out of state till 5/28 (thursday) so I don't want to take away from my time with her, I also need a head start on importing the adventure path. I had original stated 6/5 on the OP, but I can push it up to 5/29 if that's better.

    Last edited by Swipht; May 10th, 2015 at 20:42.

  4. #24
    That time will work for me as well. I live in the EST, so it shouldn't be that hard for me to make it.

    To the other players:

    Besides Dr_Babylon has anyone else figured out which race class combo that they would like to play?

    I have a few concepts in mind just not too sure what the others want to play.

    I like the point buy method, this keeps the party pretty much even as far as stats. Is the first game going to be character creation and the like, or should we come prepared?
    Ultimate License Holder

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  5. #25
    So was that a confirmation for me and my buddy? I just want to clarify

  6. #26
    I do slightly prefer the random rolls for Ability scores but I almost always regret saying that. So I can make do with Point Buy. And if we go that route, we should all be able to get most of the nitty-gritty done for our characters before first session. Lets us get off to a decent running start (there will always be minor complications on opening night). It might be a good idea to open up the server once or twice before Day One, if that's not asking too much Swipht. Would allow us to input data, address connectivity issues, and perhaps attend to any other concerns that arise. Sorry. I don't mean to dictate terms. Just reporting on what has worked in the past, I suppose.

    In terms of party makeup, I'm none too picky as long as we don't have anyone going out of their way to step on toes ("I will ALSO be a monk..."). The only thing I really object to in terms of online etiquette is folks who really, really get into gratuitous descriptions of brutality and such. Seriously, I ain't a prude (which is a totally prudish thing to say) and I can deal with ultra-violence and plenty of saucy language in my gaming. Still, there is a line where it becomes...uncomfortable. I take it Carrion Crown is designed as a more-or-less heroic campaign so we shouldn't be taking any children hostage or that kind of thing. And that works fine for me.

    Where story is concerned, I guess it's fine if we're all strangers? The set-up would seem to get us into town--even into the same room, presumably--so we would need to be doing a lot of justifying for our team-up, yeah?

    EDIT: Wow. I forgot how tricky an MAD class can be on a Point Buy. Some difficult decisions ahead...
    Last edited by Dr_Babylon; May 11th, 2015 at 02:11.
    Yes ... Secrets … The mother's milk of an evil genius.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Babylon View Post
    I do slightly prefer the random rolls for Ability scores but I almost always regret saying that. So I can make do with Point Buy. And if we go that route, we should all be able to get most of the nitty-gritty done for our characters before first session. Lets us get off to a decent running start (there will always be minor complications on opening night). It might be a good idea to open up the server once or twice before Day One, if that's not asking too much Swipht. Would allow us to input data, address connectivity issues, and perhaps attend to any other concerns that arise. Sorry. I don't mean to dictate terms. Just reporting on what has worked in the past, I suppose.

    In terms of party makeup, I'm none too picky as long as we don't have anyone going out of their way to step on toes ("I will ALSO be a monk..."). The only thing I really object to in terms of online etiquette is folks who really, really get into gratuitous descriptions of brutality and such. Seriously, I ain't a prude (which is a totally prudish thing to say) and I can deal with ultra-violence and plenty of saucy language in my gaming. Still, there is a line where it becomes...uncomfortable. I take it Carrion Crown is designed as a more-or-less heroic campaign so we shouldn't be taking any children hostage or that kind of thing. And that works fine for me.

    Where story is concerned, I guess it's fine if we're all strangers? The set-up would seem to get us into town--even into the same room, presumably--so we would need to be doing a lot of justifying for our team-up, yeah?

    EDIT: Wow. I forgot how tricky an MAD class can be on a Point Buy. Some difficult decisions ahead...
    That would be what I was thinking as well. We all would need to band together somehow!

    So here are some of my concepts.

    Half-Elf or Elven Witch
    Human Bard
    Elven Oracle - Deaf Life Oracle
    Human Barbarian
    Gnome Summoner
    Dwarf Paladin (Stonelord Archetype)

    These are just some ideas that I have been throwing around, it's really all over the place.
    Last edited by kleamovich; May 11th, 2015 at 02:45.
    Ultimate License Holder

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  8. #28
    Yes Eazy, you've responded and agreed to time. The two of you are locked in unless you state otherwise. (No hard feelings if you state otherwise)

    Mad classes aren't op with the point buy I've set. If you were unlucky with your rolls you could be playing a character you hate, or if you got super lucky you'd be playing an OP Character. Point buy makes you think about balance. There are old school gamers that don't see my point of view. Sad classes like wizards. . . I take 18 in int, and 16 in dex. . . Dump cha, and str. . . You wear your clothes on your back plus minimal gear, then you're into medium or heavy load. . . Drat... Now I have to limit my gear, and spend money to increase what I can carry. It's all balanced, despite combat effectiveness. Drop a str dump wizard to 6 str and put them to sleep and they die. Unless they take traits to subsidize their low cha then they can't interact with npcs well. So min maxing is risky in point buy. Rolling "oh it's not my fault. . . This is what I got, and I'm not guilty" Okay you rolled like crap on one or two stats and you run the same risk as min maxing, even if you don't get the benefit out of the risk. Roll overly well and you're the god character that the rest of the party resents, because you brunt everything and never really give them anything to do but support. You roll average and you're not special, but you're not weak at anything. You can build an average character via point buy. Sorry off my soap box about point buy.

    Lunar oracles = awesome. . . Haven't looked at deaf life oracle yet. Skaald is more fun than straight bard. Summoner = dm face plant. Other options look rather rather standard. Do whatever you want as long as you're not trying to break my game intentionally.

    Yes Carrion Crown is a heroic adventure path, that will reward the party well enough for not being chaotic neutral. Evil characters will probably end up being run out of town, or get the group run out of town.

    If you want an easy input character data, intro to campaign, intro to group dynamics I can easily do that with this adventure path. Would make it very easy 5/29. . . Then hit the ground running 6/5. . . Or I can leave fantasy grounds on for all of you to input your characters. Know what the individual is about, and get thrown into the mess of a newly formed group by the adventure path only to grow into a well oiled unit through experience together. This adventure path is flexible enough I can go either way with group development.
    Last edited by Swipht; May 11th, 2015 at 05:42.

  9. #29
    I've had the great Point Buy debate before so I won't get too whiny about it (I confess to being old school). Like I said, the last couple times I ended up rolling, I regretted insisting on that approach. Still, I don't like how my two concepts fit together with very middle-of-the-road stats. Guess my fragile ego needs to feel a little more heroic entering a long-term story arc.

    I might just stick with a fairly basic Fighter premise and aim for an exciting reason for coming to Ravengro (and her connection to Lorrimor). See what percolates.

    Seriously, how does one stat out a Paladin with the lower Point Buy limits? I mean without having to make him a gentle dullard who's all thumbs?
    Yes ... Secrets … The mother's milk of an evil genius.

  10. #30
    I might have some opening on Friday, and time is no concern of mine. If you need another feel free to let me know.

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