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Thread: Archery Feats

  1. #11

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    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    he does have one seen where he fires off arrows at long distance hitting all the targets.
    Let's see some continuous footage, with him and his targets in frame, at a distance greater than 20 yards, and lets see the speed stuff.
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    sure - he is a salesman and he is selling his product but i have yet to see a decent rebuttal with any substance - yes the arrows he splits are probably bamboo - but that takes nothing away from the accuracy of the shots...
    Seriously? I mean seriously? I've got respect for you and all, but have you ever heard about re-takes? Do you believe that the guys who make the basketball shots from the rooftoop of an adjacent building did it on one try?
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    shoot a guy 6 times before he even gets one shot off at you - he probably never will get a shot off at you.
    I'll let Lars shoot me 6 times with the bow he is using, with me wearing historical chain, if he lets me shoots him once with my 70lb Osage Orange. Heck, I'll even give him a 7th arrow to shoot it out of the air!!
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    ...most of the rebuttals spend half their time calling him an amateur, bagging his running style and his inability to throw a ball
    That's because his entire video is composed ENTIRELY of material calling everyone else amateurs. How about the over-acted arrows falling out of the quiver gig? How about the 3-stooges type re-enactment of the "difficulties" of loading an arrow the customary way?

    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    either way - i loved it - it was a great video and makes Legolas's body count somewhat more realistic
    Maybe you nailed it. Those who loved the way Legolas was portrayed, probably think that Lars is the bees knees. On the other hand, those who think that Legolas was over the top probably think Lars is a fraud.

  2. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    ive read that one too - mostly the points above and then goes on to repeat some of the things he accuses Lars of like cherry picking facts...

    he writes
    What IS accurate is the archaeological evidence in the form of bows and physiological indicators in the archers’ bodies, such as separation in the shoulder cartilage, the thickness of bones in the bow arm and elongation of the bones of the draw arm, all of which is well-documented and known to competent historians.
    coupled with
    Any competent archery instructor will tell you that an archer’s power does not come from the arm, but from the back muscles, and both sides are used at the same time.
    There's nothing wrong here. Lars was pulling stuff out of nowhere to make some non-points. You do use your back muscles, and the BONES in your arm will get thicker etc. Lars likely tried to pull out this both arms stuff to cover himself when he pushes arrows out of his bow.

    You tell me, what point do YOU think Lars was making when he brought this up? Please don't forget about Mr. Newton.
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    and then confusingly describing Lars
    What he had learned is the usual collection of bad habits that self-taught amateur archers always display
    and then pointing out that
    though truthfully, there were historically very few professional archers or hunters.
    This is entirely correct. "Self taught amateurs" of TODAY, versus HISTORICAL archers of yester-year. He explains the point in his text. I don't understand the confusion.

    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    ...i think its a very badly written rebuttal. he has points but why all the personal attacks?
    Again, Lars's ENTIRE video is a personal attack. I think the rebuttal is very well written.

  3. #13
    Lars is giving examples of skirmish archery. The mongols used horse archery. English longbow are for long-distance battlefield archery. You are comparing apples to oranges. I did not see anything for sale in the video so I don't know how he is trying to sell his parlor tricks, but I do see him capable of doing the things he claims to be able to do: shoot quickly at close range while staying mobile.
    I never claimed to be sane. Besides, it's more fun this way.

  4. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickademus View Post
    Lars is giving examples of skirmish archery. The mongols used horse archery. English longbow are for long-distance battlefield archery. You are comparing apples to oranges. I did not see anything for sale in the video so I don't know how he is trying to sell his parlor tricks, but I do see him capable of doing the things he claims to be able to do: shoot quickly at close range while staying mobile.
    Please show me how any of my arguments are dependent on the type of archery used. It's easy to toss out a general cliche (comparing apples to oranges), but please be specific. Don't just throw out terms. "skirmish archery" indeed. The mongol skirmish archers used bows with a much greater draw strength than Lars child bow. Why?

    According to people's interpretation of his video, Lars could quickly and easily kill many,many mail clad soldiers at distance. Dumb old Mongols! Why bother with superior mobility, discipline and tactics when you could just have a bunch of Lars's push-strumming their 30 pound bows (at half draw) and take out vast magnitudes of the enemy in a couple of minutes!

    And to clear up some confusion. Lars is trying to sell the most precious of commodities. He is trying to sell himself.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by seycyrus View Post
    Again, Lars's ENTIRE video is a personal attack. I think the rebuttal is very well written.
    My point about the rebuttal was and still is - that many of the things that the author accuses Lars of - he does himself. He gets personal. He chooses evocative words like amateur on one side and professional on the other, statements like it "could only be accomplished' with regards to both splitting arrows on knives and with other arrows. Its likely to be true most of the time but maybe not everytime and it takes nothing away from the fact that he shot an arrow out of the air with another arrow - its highlighting a weakness in the first claim to dismiss the whole feat.

    We are getting somewhere though - you do make some good observations and comparisons. You obviously know a lot more about archery than many of us (and definitely more than me). I thoroughly enjoyed the video for what it was. It was an amazing exhibition of high speed shooting and accuracy. Its obviously not the be all and end all that Lars would like us to believe but I still found it thoroughly enjoyable, entertaining and interesting

    Quote Originally Posted by seycyrus View Post
    And to clear up some confusion. Lars is trying to sell the most precious of commodities. He is trying to sell himself.

  6. #16
    That's it, I'm naming my next Archer character Lars Anderson... we'll see how well he does against 'Magic Missile' & 'Melf's Acid Arrow'. He might be cool in the real world, but now he must face the fickle fate of fantasy d20...

    "For those about to die (Lars...) we salute you!"
    It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll;
    I am the Master of my Fate, I am the Captain of my Soul.

  7. #17

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    Here is a thread in Sword Forums by a smart guy named Dan Howard. It talks about a lot of good stuff, including mail against arrows.

  8. #18
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    where is the link?

  9. #19

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ardem View Post
    where is the link?
    Woops, my apologies.


    Here's another link to a video from Lindy Beige on chain mail with some discussion regarding arrows near the end. There is a part 2 and 3 in which arrows(especially first part of part 2) are also discussed. Lindy is a valuable resource for all things medieval. He is a big proponent of, "our ancestors weren't idiots".

    Last edited by seycyrus; February 5th, 2015 at 22:38.

  10. #20
    Ardem's Avatar
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    Thanks for this it was very informative.

    I like the direct historical quotes compared to Lars summations. I believe we have lost the art of making very good mail, and this is the reason why Lars believe he can shoot against mail in this way. Also he makes no reference to shields which in a fight where he is close to the battle, would make his very vulnerable to a counter then killed by a sword.

    Perhaps where Lars fight is against a few villains this style of combat would work, however with so many people around it would probably normally get you killed by a axeman with a shield who flanks you. So much for all that training.

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