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  1. #41
    Looking at the product discussion at, Chris Lambertz states:

    The APG characters are currently under construction. Once they're all spruced up by our Organized Play team, they'll be added to the package and an email will be sent out alerting people of the update
    So presumably they will be returned there soon.

  2. #42
    I've been working on the ACG pregens.

    Here are the first 5 with tokens.
    As this is my first time adding NPC's could some of you please check them?

    But I'm also having some difficulty with a couple of things:

    Enora - Arcanist

    Speed 30' - Should be 20' as per Halfling

    Crowe - Bloodrager

    Intimidate +7 - Should be +6 - 1 rank + 3 class skill + 2 CHA
    CMB +6 - Should be +5 - 1 BAB + 4 STR

    Adowyn - Hunter

    Knowledge Nature +5 - Should be +4 - 1 rank + 3 class skill + 0 INT
    Skill Points spent 7 - Should be only 6

    Leryn - Animal Companion

    Fort +4 - Should be +2 - +2 CON
    Ref +4 - Should be +2 - +2 DEX

    Quinn - Investigator

    Ref +3 - Should be +1 - +1 DEX
    Will +3 - Should be +1 - +1 WIS

    What am I missing?
    Last edited by Farnaby; January 14th, 2015 at 01:41. Reason: Uploaded Wrong File

  3. #43
    Blackfoot's Avatar
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    The pregens must be played 'as written', they cannot be modified or 'corrected' unless there is an actual FAQ or official change to them.
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    Interested in Custom Character Portraits and Tokens? Contact me.

  4. #44
    Yes Blackfoot, I get that, I'm not trying to modify them.
    I'm just trying to understand if I missed a rule, feat, trait or something that accounts for the discrepancies.

  5. #45
    Blackfoot's Avatar
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    I believe there are multiple threads on the paizo forums discussing issues with the pregens.
    Full License Operator - You must have a 'Lite' License to play in my games.
    Member and GM in the Fantasy Grounds Pathfinder Society Group.
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    Interested in Custom Character Portraits and Tokens? Contact me.

  6. #46
    Damn my search-fu is coming up blank

    Working on the last 5 now.

  7. #47
    I'm going to guess that with Leryn and Quinn, you forgot about their class good saves. Animal companions get good saves in Fort and Reflex, and investigators get Reflex and Will.
    A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, stab it in the back.

  8. #48
    Okay, you learn something new every day.

    What are class good saves when they're at home?
    I can't for the life of me remember reading about them.

  9. #49
    Sure, good saves are the saves you start with a +2 in at level 1, and they advance faster than the other(s). An investigator has +0 Fort, +2 Reflex, +2 Will at level 1. Level 2 it's +0 Fort, +3 Reflex, +3 Will, and level 3 it's +1 Fort, +3 Reflex, +3 Will, and so on.

    Actually, the animal companion should have Fort and Reflex at +5 since they start with 2 HD at level one and thus get +3 to both Fort and Reflex.
    A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, stab it in the back.

  10. #50
    Aaaargh, I forgot to check the base tables..... <facepalm>

    Thanks Gwaihir.

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