1. #1

    Question Names, Version & Release Numbers - How Do They Interact?

    Hi Guys,

    Sorry for the long post but I wanted to spell things out explicitly - there's a Summary at the end to speed things up, if you like.

    I've had a search through the Forums can I can't seem to find anything on this. If it already exists, could someone please point me to the relevant thread(s).

    In the start of each Ruleset's base.xml file we'll find a line such as (these are from v3.0.9 of the CoreRPG, 3.5E & Pathfinder Rulesets, respectively):
    <root version="3.0" release="3" logo="logo.png">
    <root version="3.0" release="14" logo="logo.png">
    <root version="3.0" release="1" logo="logo.png">
    I understand that the "version" refers to the version of FG and that the "release" refers to the version of the Ruleset.

    Further down in a Cascaded or Child Ruleset we'll find lines such as (these are from v3.0.9 of the 3.5E & Pathfinder Rulesets, respectively):
    	<acceptfrom ruleset="d20" />
    <importruleset source="CoreRPG" />
    	<acceptfrom ruleset="d20" />
    	<acceptfrom ruleset="3.5E" />
    <importruleset source="3.5E" />
    So I understand that because the Pathfinder Ruleset has the <importruleset source="3.5E" /> line it will "Cascade" down from the 3.5E Ruleset - in other words (in Pseudo-Code):
    Rule 1:
    If Ruleset X has <importruleset source="Y" /> then
    	Ruleset X will Cascade from (be a Child of) Ruleset Y
    In an Extension we may find lines such as (these are from the Wiki):
    <root version="2.0">
    I understand that the "version" in an Extension is the version of the Extension - the same as the "release" of a Ruleset.

    I also understand that the "name" in an Extension refers to the name of a Ruleset or another Extension and that the "minrelease" and "maxrelese" refer to the Ruleset or Extension version - in other words (in Pseudo-Code):
    Rule 2:
    If Extension A has <name>Y</name>then
    	Extension A will interact with Ruleset Y (as per which Tag the "name" Tag is a child of)
    Rule 3:
    If Extension A has <minrelease>nRelease1</minrelease> and
    		Ruleset Y has <root version="nVersion" release="nRelease2"> and
    		nRelease1 >= nRelease2 then
    	Extension A will interact with Ruleset Y (as per which Tag the "name" Tag is a child of)
    Rule 4:
    If Extension A has <maxrelease>nRelease1</maxrelease> and
    		Ruleset Y has <root version="nVersion" release="nRelease2"> and
    		nRelease1 <= nRelease2 then
    	Extension A will interact with Ruleset Y (as per which Tag the "name" Tag is a child of)
    Rule 5:
    If Extension A has <name>B</name> then
    	Extension A will interact with Extension B (as per which Tag the "name" Tag is a child of)
    Rule 6:
    If Extension A has <minrelease>nRelease</minrelease> and
    		Extension B has <root version="nVersion"> and
    		nRelease >= nVersion then
    	Extension A will interact with Extension B (as per which Tag the "name" Tag is a child of)
    Rule 7:
    If Extension A has <maxrelease>nRelease</maxrelease> and
    		Extension B has <root release="nVersion"> and
    		nRelease <= nVersion then
    	Extension A will interact with Extension B (as per which Tag the "name" Tag is a child of)
    In a Module we'll find a line such as (these are from v3.0.9 of the 3.5E-basicrules & CSRDbasicrules Modules, respectively):
    Now, I understand that both of these Modules can be loaded into the Pathfinder Ruleset because the Pathfinder Ruleset has the <acceptfrom ruleset="d20" /> and <acceptfrom ruleset="3.5E" /> lines and the 3.5E-basicrules Module has the <ruleset>3.5E</ruleset> line and the CSRDbasicrules Module has the <ruleset>d20</ruleset> line - in other words (in Pseudo-Code):
    Rule 8:
    If Ruleset X has <acceptfrom ruleset="S-String" /> and
    		Module L has <ruleset>S-String</ruleset> then
    	Ruleset X will be able to open Module L
    So, have I missed anything?

    Is all the above correct?

    If so, why is the 3.5E Ruleset able to open the 3.5E-basicrules Module: they DON'T follow Rule 8, nor is there anything I can find in the CoreRPG Ruleset which would allow this to occur (the CoreRPG can't open the 3.5E-basicrules Module, btw)?


    Interaction Rules for Rulesets, Extensions and Modules
    Rule 1:
    If Ruleset X has <importruleset source="Y" /> then
    	Ruleset X will Cascade from (be a Child of) Ruleset Y
    Rule 2:
    If Extension A has <name>Y</name> then
    	Extension A will interact with Ruleset Y (as per which Tag the "name" Tag is a child of)
    Rule 3:
    If Extension A has <minrelease>nRelease1</minrelease> and
    		Ruleset Y has <root version="nVersion" release="nRelease2"> and
    		nRelease1 >= nRelease2 then
    	Extension A will interact with Ruleset Y (as per which Tag the "name" Tag is a child of)
    Rule 4:
    If Extension A has <maxrelease>nRelease1</maxrelease> and
    		Ruleset Y has <root version="nVersion" release="nRelease2"> and
    		nRelease1 <= nRelease2 then
    	Extension A will interact with Ruleset Y (as per which Tag the "name" Tag is a child of)
    Rule 5:
    If Extension A has <name>B</name> then
    	Extension A will interact with Extension B (as per which Tag the "name" Tag is a child of)
    Rule 6:
    If Extension A has <minrelease>nRelease</minrelease> and
    		Extension B has <root version="nVersion"> and
    		nRelease >= nVersion then
    	Extension A will interact with Extension B (as per which Tag the "name" Tag is a child of)
    Rule 7:
    If Extension A has <maxrelease>nRelease</maxrelease> and
    		Extension B has <root release="nVersion"> and
    		nRelease <= nVersion then
    	Extension A will interact with Extension B (as per which Tag the "name" Tag is a child of)
    Rule 8:
    If Ruleset X has <acceptfrom ruleset="S-String" /> and
    		Module L has <ruleset>S-String</ruleset> then
    	Ruleset X will be able to open Module L
    My Questions
    (Briefly Repeated)

    So, have I missed anything?

    Are the Rules as I've stated them correct?

    If so, why is the 3.5E Ruleset able to open the 3.5E-basicrules Module: they DON'T follow Rule 8?

    Last edited by dulux-oz; November 20th, 2014 at 06:34.

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  2. #2
    Didn't pick through it in detail, but looks reasonable from a scan-through.

    There is always an implied <acceptfrom> tag for the current ruleset name.


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Didn't pick through it in detail, but looks reasonable from a scan-through.

    There is always an implied <acceptfrom> tag for the current ruleset name.

    Sorry, could you develop that point more fully, sir - is that how the 3.5E Ruleset is able to open the 3.5E-basicrules Module, because "3.5E" is the current (or, should I say "default") Ruleset name?


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  4. #4
    Each module can specify which rulesets that they are created for.

    Each ruleset can specify additional rulesets for which they are "module-compatible".

    When a ruleset requests a list of available modules through the FG API, any matching modules (those which have a ruleset tag matching the current ruleset or an importinfo tag in the ruleset) will be returned.


  5. #5
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    As an example, the PFRPG ruleset has the following in it's base.xml file, allowing modules made for 3.5E and d20 rulesets to be opened in a PFRPG campaign (as well as modules made for the PFRPG ruleset itself):
    		<acceptfrom ruleset="d20" />
    		<acceptfrom ruleset="3.5E" />
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    As an example, the PFRPG ruleset has the following in it's base.xml file, allowing modules made for 3.5E and d20 rulesets to be opened in a PFRPG campaign (as well as modules made for the PFRPG ruleset itself):
    		<acceptfrom ruleset="d20" />
    		<acceptfrom ruleset="3.5E" />

    Yeah, I said that myself in an earlier post - but what I wanted to know was why the 3.5E Ruleset was able to open the 3.5E-basicrules Module when the 3.5E Ruleset DOESN'T have:
    	<acceptfrom ruleset="3.5E" />

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by dulux-oz View Post
    Yeah, I said that myself in an earlier post - but what I wanted to know was why the 3.5E Ruleset was able to open the 3.5E-basicrules Module when the 3.5E Ruleset DOESN'T have:
    	<acceptfrom ruleset="3.5E" />
    You don't need to specify importinfo for the ruleset itself. It's assumed that a module made for the 3.5E ruleset will be able to be loaded in the 3.5E ruleset, for example. If you made a modified 3.5E ruleset, and perhaps called it MY_3.5E then you'd have to either modify all of your 3.5E modules to use MY_3.5E <ruleset> or use <importinfo> with 3.5E once in your custom ruleset.

    EDIT: the documentation on <importinfo> mentions: "This definition determines the list of other rulesets declared data compatible with the running ruleset."
    Last edited by Trenloe; November 26th, 2014 at 03:44.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    You don't need to specify importinfo for the ruleset itself. It's assumed that a module made for the 3.5E ruleset will be able to be loaded in the 3.5E ruleset, for example. If you made a modified 3.5E ruleset, and perhaps called it MY_3.5E then you'd have to either modify all of your 3.5E modules to use MY_3.5E <ruleset> or use <importinfo> with 3.5E once in your custom ruleset.

    EDIT: the documentation on <importinfo> mentions: "This definition determines the list of other rulesets declared data compatible with the running ruleset."
    Yeah, and that's what I've come to understand during this discussion


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  9. #9
    The definitive answer to the original question should be put in the wiki…

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