5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    What gamesystem is right for you?

    I'm not sure if this has been done before, probably not due to the possibility of "Edition Wars", so I'm going to instill rules while we do this.

    The Reason
    The reason I would like to do this is to bring up facts about various game systems for newer players, or players that are looking for a new system to try out. I would like to create a database thread where players can go to find out what system of gameplay is right for them.

    The Rules
    • Input information about the game systems that you have abundant information on (primarily the core gamesystems you play personally).
    • Use the layout provided.
    • Do not mention any other game systems/editions in your summery. Players should get the idea without any knowledge of any game systems/editions at all.
    • Remember that game systems/editions are flavors, your system/edition is not for everybody.
    • Do not "call out" cons to game systems/editions that you believe the reviewer may have overlooked. Any and all "but you forgot this pro/con" should be PM'd to myself, where I will gracefully contact a player of that game system to either confirm or deny the accusation.
    • Be 100% truthful about your game system/edition. You know its flaws and its strengths, and you want to give players as much truthful and in-depth information as possible for them to make an educated decision on what to look at playing. Games are flawed, but that doesn't mean that they can't be fun.
    • All information supplied MUST be non-biased. Only factual information is to be supplied.
    • If you are the creator of a game system for Fantasy Grounds, feel free to complete this, or have one of your frequent players complete it.

    The Layout
    Game Name:
    Basic Player Needs:
    Basic GameMaster Needs:
    • a
    • b
    • c

    • a
    • b
    • c

    Last edited by krag; August 7th, 2014 at 15:21.

  2. #2
    Game Name: Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e
    System: d20
    Edition: 3.5
    Basic Player Needs: 3.5 Players Handbook
    Basic GameMaster Needs: 3.5 Dungeon Master Guide, 3.5 Monster Manual, 3.5 Players Handbook
    • Forces Creative Critical Thinking
    • Balance of Roleplay and Combat in modules
    • Widely used in many groups of players in many Local Game shops
    • Large variety of Supplement Books/Rules to provide players with more choices (in everything)
    • Large, active communities made specifically for discussion and gameplay
    • Skills aren't "broad and/or simplified"; there are skills available for very specific actions

    • Unbalanced characters, some classes are weak, some are overpowered
    • An unbalanced group will leave the Overpowered characters feeling bored and the Underpowered characters feeling useless
    • Large Knowledge of most material needed when Dungeon Mastering due to Large Quantities of Supplements
    • Can be difficult to deal with certain characters over-running encounters as a Dungeon Master
    • Basics are a Moderate Learning Curve, but adding Supplements in, Learning Curve becomes Steep
    • Due to specific skills, it becomes increasingly more difficult to remain proficient in most of your class skills

    Overall, Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e in most scenarios would be considered a "Hardcore" gamer system. It allows players to have an abundant list of races, classes, magics, items, and more, but in so forces players to spend more time learning about all the options available to them. Playing the "basic" game is possible though, so the complexity of gameplay is up to whatever your sessions Dungeon Master feels comfortable with.
    Last edited by krag; August 7th, 2014 at 15:17.

  3. #3
    I think there's a flaw in the question itself.

    No game system is always right and always wrong. It all depend on the gaming group, and the campaign. Each group, each player has different motivations, needs, things they like or don't. Each campaign has its own needs too.

  4. #4
    The first response I gave you was due to a misunderstand on my behalf, I've edited my response to be more fitting.

    I have PM'd you my response in an attempt to follow the rules and guidelines that I myself have tried to put into place. Any questions you have can be directed to me there.
    Last edited by krag; August 8th, 2014 at 01:10.

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