Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #11
    Google's Sketchup is also an excellent source of freely-available artwork (just look for the ones that aren't copywritten) that can be made into tokens relatively easily. It has the added advantage of being 3D to begin with, so you can choose your POV and adjust lighting prior to exporting your 2D file which can then be edited as necessary to create your token file. Also a good source for other kinds of dungeon clutter (coins, bones, treasure chests, wells, fountains, etc.). There are even several sets of walls, doors, door frames, windows, towers and even full buildings shared for the purposes of creating cities, towns and dungeons. You'll still need GIMP or similar to finish the exports off, but I find that much of the hard work can be done in Sketchup (where it's easier) and all I use GIMP for is re-sizing.


  2. #12
    Seems like a good idea.

    Do you have a couple of example of SKetchup objects source that could be useful for rpg?

  3. #13
    I made a bunch of furniture tokens a while ago, you can check them out at my studio.
    Tailz, the Artist of Studio WyldFurr
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