1. #1

    Practical Adventure Limits

    I have a question about something that may bite in the future. We're playing our second session tonight with Fantasy Grounds and all of my players and myself are very impressed with this software, great job.

    Here's the issue I'm a little concerned about; I'm loading up the content from AEG's Worlds Largest Dungeon as my campaign. About the minimum content to get through this sucker is 7 22"X17" maps at 8 5' squares to the inch and about 800 encounters. With this scope I wonder if there is a practical size limit to the amount of content you can/should load into db.xml.

    To the rest of the user community, thanks for all the great tokens and other utilities you've made available.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I think you would want to do that in several differant modules. One for each section maybe (a, b, etc).

    We are working on converting Goodman Game's 'The Dragonfiend Pact' to FG and I'm trying to do it this way... one mod for the early stuff, one for part 1 and one for part 2. You can just load and unload them as you play and move from section to section.


  3. #3
    Most practical limits should be incurred by the setup of the computers of the users. If you have lots of memory, including video memory, big images and lots of data will handle more smoothly. You definitely should split a huge module into chunks. Also, careful planning can help you a lot, and any absolutely huge maps you should split into smaller bits. Mostly not due to anything the program requires, but to make the experience more pleasant for users with older hardware.

    At the moment FG will scale any image imported into it to a maximum dimension of 2048 pixels to address an issue in the inner workings of FG and DirectX that was causing crashes, but we're working to lift this restriction.
    Tero Parvinen
    Fantasy Grounds Guru

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