1. #1

    Looking for all the Info I can gather.

    I am new to Fantasy Grounds, I have a bit of experience with Roll20. I have been messing with the GURPS Ruleset explusively for the last few days as that is the rule system I intend to run in. Now that being said I am also new to GURPS. I have a fair understanding of the system but not actual gameplay experience. I intend on running a session for my friends this Sunday. I do have a lot of DM/GMing experience but there is always room to learn. So what I am asking is a few tips from the experienced on the following questions. Feel free to post a wall of text, I will not complain about free help. Feel free to answer all or just one question. I appreciate the help.

    1. Tips for running the GURPS system itself.

    2. Tips for using the GURPS Ruleset in Fantasy Grounds.

    3. Where I can go about finding tokens, pogs, images, what have you, that don't look like a 4 year old drew them based off of a Saturday morning cartoon.

    4. Tips on creating my own images, tokens, pogs, etc.

    5. Programs that might assist me in running GURPS and/off Fantasy Grounds.

    6. Is there a list of features for the GURPs ruleset and how to use them?

    7. Is there a location I can gather modules, modifiers, etc?
    Last edited by Mogar; April 26th, 2014 at 10:01.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2013
    East Coast USA.

    Nice to see yet another GURPS player, it really seems that we've been coming out of the wood work lately!

    GURPS is one of the community-supported rulesets, and so we have to rely on the work of a few heavy-hitters to get things coded into FG. FG recently went through a major upgrade which included a "Core ruleset" (aptly named CoreRPG!) so that other game systems could utilize this core as the foundation to build a ruleset upon. Prio to this, rulesets (including GURPS) were sort of created independently, which was great. Now Saithan (if you're playing GURPS on FG, you are using his ruleset) is working to rebuild the GURPS ruleset using some of the Core RPG functionality. This will take a bit of time. As it is, you can certainly play GURPS on FG just as easily, if not easier, as you could in a PnP session.

    You asked for tips from the "experienced", which I'm not, but,

    I'll try to answer your questions as best as I can in order, but in general the GURPS community gleans useful information from the other FG communities. Many of your questions have been vetted in the other communities forums. Maybe we can use this thread to create a sticky for the GURPS newcomer.

    One set of resources that you want to keep an eye on is google groups. Consider perusing and joining the following groups; GURPS, Map-Making in Games, The Library of Gaming Maps, Game Master Tips, RPG, RPG Graphic Design.

    1) GURPS is a system that can be as complicated as you want. That being said, it can easily wander off into the territory of MORE complicated than you want. It is often recommended that you start bare-bones (GURPS Lite) and add in the complexity you need. Combat is something that is usually on people's minds so here is a link to a site that runs through several combat scenarios basic to complex. https://www.themook.net/rpg/examples/

    2) These tips will be very similar to tips on using FG with other systems. I'd recommend you go to the wiki and look at the tutorial videos. Xorne's video "campaign management" really helped me to understand how the "pros do it" in terms of prepping the campaign. Dulux Oz's relatively recent videos have also been extremely useful.

    3) A large assortment of tokens/pogs should have been included with our FG (assuming you have a full or ultimate license), you'll have to find/create additional tokens. Here is one compilation of available (some free, some not), https://rpgvirtualtabletop.wikidot.com/tokens.

    4) Here is one tutorial that google returns (search words: pog creation), https://gametable.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_Pog_Creation, this topic has also been address in the FG community. If you are talking about creating maps, then that is another can of worms. There are more than a few options here, running from free to pay, simple to complex. Google group "The Library of Gaming Maps", has a newly created section, "Icons and Token", that has had some recent activity.

    5 - 7) It's a bit hard to answer this question without getting into the specifics of what you are asking for. In general the answer is no, there is no compiled list of resources. This is a foundation that has yet to be built. What I have been doing is, reading through the various FG communities, paying strict attention to newbie threads like this one and noting the replies.

    Steve Jackson does not allow FG to fully automate the GURPS ruleset, so you can not just click on a module for say "combat modifiers" and pull in a database with inputs like "Bad lighting -2, poor footing -1, Determined attack +3..." etc. Hypothetically I bet we could create that ...

  3. #3
    to clarify 5-7 the actual answer is yes but it is not complete...

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seycyrus View Post
    Steve Jackson does not allow FG to fully automate the GURPS ruleset, so you can not just click on a module for say "combat modifiers" and pull in a database with inputs like "Bad lighting -2, poor footing -1, Determined attack +3..." etc. Hypothetically I bet we could create that ...
    he doesnt allow *anyone* to automate the game...

  5. #5
    I see in several posts that Steve Jackson and his team are contrary to automate your system, but GURPS players and what is your opinion?

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    East Coast USA.
    Quote Originally Posted by yako2020 View Post
    I see in several posts that Steve Jackson and his team are contrary to automate your system, but GURPS players and what is your opinion?
    Help us out and rephrase this please. You want our opinion on whether or not SJG allow automation? I don't think our opinions matter. SJG is against it and I have heard that they will not hesitate to involve lawyers.

  7. #7
    Just opinions!
    I believe we are free to give our opinions without being afraid of lawyers.
    After all we are free.
    I'm not saying that our opinion will make them change their mind, I'm just curious.
    Last edited by YAKO SOMEDAKY; May 1st, 2014 at 01:38.

  8. #8
    Honken's Avatar
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    For me, FG is what TTP should do. It has a good character sheet, a diceroller and you can share pictures and use them to move tokens around. That is essential in a program like Fantasy Grounds. A lot of other features, like dice roll interpretation, status application, e.t.c. is gravy, and will a lot of times make the prep time a lot longer as a GM. The GURPS Ruleset is good as it is, if you ask me. Maybe a couple of more "skins" to go with diffrent genres, but that is kinda all i need.


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