5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #21
    We will start with the random starting gold rule as found in the PHB.
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Rochester, NY (GMT -5)
    How are we going to get the connection information? This just hit my head and i realized we (or at least I) have no information on IP or server alias. if you want to contact me i shoudl be home about 5:15p my time (GMT -5) and i think that is about 11:15p your time Onky


    Location: Rochester, NY (GMT -5)

  3. #23
    I have a page up with the info needed.... I will send you the location...
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

  4. #24
    Two more players are welcome to join forces at 11:00 pm GMT+1 tonight
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

  5. #25
    If you guys don't mind, I'd be happy to join for just one session. I want to get a feel for using FG, but really don't like 3rd edition. Just let me know if it is alright to join.

  6. #26
    It's alright
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

  7. #27

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Puerto Rico (GMT-5)

    May I join you tonight?

    Is there room for one more player?

  8. #28
    Allright then... My first DM session ever, and in FG as well for that matter, is a fact. Thanks everyone for joining up! I now have unlimited respect for DM's worldwide... The game has now slipped into a campaign officially. I know I have to prepare more for the next session. I will post the log on the site for all to read and catch up. Until next time and thanks!
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

  9. #29
    Ok, new roll call to the players.... Next session will be on the 8th of april, at 11:00pm GMT+1. Hopefully Tharivol, Ignace and Enrico will continue their stay at Tinderton and investigate what the hell is going on up north?

    If the three of you still want to continue I'd need one more player, preferably a cleric.... If interested, I can PM the chatlog of the previous session to see what was happening then...
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

  10. #30

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Rochester, NY (GMT -5)
    Unfortunately i will not be able to make it today (family stuff woo hoo). so i will have to keep abreast on what is going on later i guess.


    Location: Rochester, NY (GMT -5)

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