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Thread: Cthulhu nights

  1. #1

    Cthulhu nights

    I am a new FG GM (but experienced with Call of Cthulhu) looking for players to practice on before embarking upon a campaign.

    Games will run once or perhaps two evenings a week. Gaming sessions will be GMT +1, 8 - 12 pm. You will need FG Lite and Skype. Skype will be used only for ooc and instruction giving - all role play will be typed in FG. I plan to start in a few weeks if I manage to get sufficient numbers of test subjects and enough time to learn things in FG .

    If you're interested then please reply to this thread stating the following;

    1: Confirm that you have both FG Lite (at least) and Skype.
    2: Your general availability during a week.
    3: Your level of keyboard skills - I plan to have all role play typed through FG, so being able to type quickly (particularly after a beer) will be good.
    4: Your location
    5: Why Cthulhu spins your propeller (its not an interview or anything, I just like to know how into Cthulhu my players are).

    PS - Don't put your skype id in this thread. I'll contact you for details.
    Last edited by mbabbs; January 4th, 2014 at 18:24.

  2. #2
    VenomousFiligree's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Plymouth, UK.
    I'd be happy to play a few one shots, could commit to a regular slot at the moment though.

    I have an Ultimate license
    Alternate Mondays, weekly Tuesdays and Wednesdays
    Reasonable typing speed, the faster I go the more typos I get!
    I enjoy horror in all my RPing

    Previously: MurghBpurn

  3. #3
    I'd love to play.

    1: Yessir
    2: After 6:00pm GMT 0 weekdays, weekends, but not Thursdays atm
    3: Pretty good
    4: UK
    5: Cthulhu sinks my boat because: I love horror, investigation, the sense of mood and mystery.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Upstate New York
    I'd be interested in playing and the time is open on weekdays.

    1: FG Full
    2: M-F Availability
    3: Good keyboarding
    4: Upstate New York
    5: Familiar with the ethos but have never played CoC before. Enjoy RPG gaming with deeper characters and lots of role playing.

  5. #5
    Good response so far

    MurghBpurn and d1wright - do you both have skype?

    d1wright - this is a GMT+1 game which would make it an afternoon session for you - is that ok? Notably as lots of Cthulhu games are based in your area, it would be very cool to have you onboard.

  6. #6
    VenomousFiligree's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Plymouth, UK.
    Yes, I have Skype (and G+)

    Previously: MurghBpurn

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Upstate New York
    I'm looking forward to the time zone discrepancy and do have a Skype account.

    Can we assume that we'll be basically using 6th Edition CoC as I think that's what the FG ruleset is based on.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Torquay, England
    I'd be interested:

    To answer the questions:

    1. FG Full
    2. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, maybe Fridays
    3. High
    4. UK
    5. I'm a horror fan and the atmosphere/settings for Cthulhu are excellent. Never played Cthulhu but sat in on a live session once and loved it, just never been able to find a game to play in.


  9. #9
    Yes it'll be 6th Edition. I havent decided on the adventure yet.

    Ok great we have 4 which I think is a good number to begin with. I plan to start the week after next. I have permission from her indoors for one night per week .

    Like I said I havent GM'd before with FG so you'll need to have a little patience while I get up to speed. I'll get in touch with each of you. In the meantime, if you arent familiar with CoC then it would be worth reading up on the rules and I'll send you a background to the 1920's to get you into the spirit of things.

  10. #10
    skybluerob - you need to empty your inbox for me to send you an email.

    It looks like the session will be held on a Tuesday, 8 - 12 pm GMT +1. I need you each to confirm thats ok. I will open the server 30 mins beforehand so that you can connect and get ready. I'll email further details once you confirm.
    Last edited by mbabbs; January 7th, 2014 at 16:37.

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