5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #11
    damned's Avatar
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    That is fantastic news for my players. As an aside I got 1 of my 2 who didnt have a lite license to upgrade and Im working on the last - the discount helps

  2. #12
    Thanks for all of the helpful replies everyone. Lots of useful insight here. I like running Savage Worlds as a GM, but in some ways I think that, for people brand new to RPGs, it's actually a slightly complex system (lots of different mechanics for different things). Also, I'm afraid I'm not a huge fan of (any!) of the available Savage Worlds skins in FG - at least, not for the games I'll be running (I'm sure they're great for the right game). I no longer subscribe to DDI, so that brings it down to between Pathfinder and Castles & Crusades. I'm quite tempted to run a low-/no-magic C&C game, maybe with "artefacts" that allow one-use shots of spells, to make the system really simple for them. On the other hand, Pathfinder is great fun. I've only played in one Pathfinder campaign. How easy is it to DM?

  3. #13
    Depends on how much you've played 3.5 and 4e, pretty much mechanically the same as 3.5 with some minor modifications, my biggest problem is keeping straight which applies to which system anymore. With all the support for Pathfinder on here, and the numerous amount of DnD content out there, there's tons of stuff to support GM's.'
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