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  1. #1

    Program for Adventures in Space

    Anyone know of a good program to use to track star systems, planets & ships?

    I know there are quite a few mobile apps that do something simular with ship combat and trading...but i am really only interested in the layout of a system, its planets and being able to track the players/npc locations.

    There seems to be a big increase in VTTs/map makers...but havent came across one that would would for sci-fi!

    A sandbox creator type program would be awesome...
    ~Grimm182~ (GMT-8)/WA
    GM: Booked
    Player: Available for Sunday Nights

  2. #2
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by grimm182 View Post
    A sandbox creator type program would be awesome...
    Traveller was one of the original sandbox RPGs in terms of the plethora of random generation tables for planets, system, subsectors, etc..

    Do a search for "traveller system generator" and you'll get a big long list of generators available for all sorts of things sci-fi. It doesn't matter if some of them are specific to traveller you can make use of them for most sci-fi settings/rulesets.

    For example, here is a completely random system generator: https://donjon.bin.sh/scifi/system/

    Not sure about "keeping track of ships" - are you wanting to keep track of where a bunch of ships are in the universe or keep track of more details on a ship - such as a merchant and it's trade goods it is currently transporting? If the latter, you should be able to find a Traveller "trade" generator out there that creates a list of what trade goods are available to buy on specific planets, I've seen a program that kept track of what the ship was carrying but can't find it with a quick search - perhaps you might have more success looking...
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #3
    Oh yea, the Traveller material is all great stuff! I want something in between Star Control and Freelancer! (i know big request).
    Im not looking for a game/rule system, more like a GUI for keeping track of space adventures.

    Maybe this is something others need? I smell a kickstarter on the frontier!!
    I could see alot of homebrew uses for this. . .
    ~Grimm182~ (GMT-8)/WA
    GM: Booked
    Player: Available for Sunday Nights

  4. #4
    Great link BTW.
    Is there a place on the forums for these kind of resources? if not there should be.
    ~Grimm182~ (GMT-8)/WA
    GM: Booked
    Player: Available for Sunday Nights

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    That is a great site, I've used it for random dungeon map generation and random hex worlds. It really does have some good generators.

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