For all Sci-Fi Roleplayers:

Dawning Star: Fate of Eos

Even at the $5 level you get all the previous PDFs from 2005 (a huge page count with an excellent believable setting).

What I remember from running a few adventures:

Earth is threatened by an Asteroid (aka a ELE - extinction level event). All Earth resources are put into a fleet of arcs that take off just to see Earth being destroyed in the rear-view mirror (so to speak). No Armaggedon-movie last-minute saviors online here, sorry.

One of these ships gets side-tracked (there were a bunch of reasons, I just forgot), and lands at an unplanned destination that seems habitable. Of course an "evil faction" makes off with a bunch of resources, and the rest has to make do with what's left and colonizes the planet.

Of course there are hints that this planet was once inhabited by an alien race, but it's kind of hard to find out more. Are they still around? Maybe on one of the other planets? Will evil rain down out of the sky at any point?

I'd say: Go there and dump $5 or $10 on Justin Jacobson - just because he deserves it!