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  1. #11

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    Thanks for you work, DrZuess. I don't see Common on the list which use to be supported but with the default font. I'll try it out this weekend and let you know if any issues come up.

    As a request, I've often thought it would be nice to have a "none of the above" font (maybe a wingding like font) such that if a PC or the DM speaks in an unsupported language the "none of the above" font is used and anyone with the same unsupported language would get a translation. This would allow the occasional use of an exotic language without have to put a new font in for each one.

  2. #12
    Zeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Griogre
    Thanks for you work, DrZuess. I don't see Common on the list which use to be supported but with the default font. I'll try it out this weekend and let you know if any issues come up.

    As a request, I've often thought it would be nice to have a "none of the above" font (maybe a wingding like font) such that if a PC or the DM speaks in an unsupported language the "none of the above" font is used and anyone with the same unsupported language would get a translation. This would allow the occasional use of an exotic language without have to put a new font in for each one.
    No worries. There is no need for a specific Common font as the current implementation defaults to using the standard chat font when the specified font is not recognised.

    None of the above. Great idea, if I introduce the additional logic and font you can also have a Common language too!

    Post up the name of the preferred True Type Font and I'll add it into the next patch.
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  3. #13

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    Maybe something like Gaim?
    Or one of the Beth Luis ones. I'm not really sure of the difference between Beth-Luis-Fearn and Beth-Luis-Nion but they are free and all over the Internet. Given the way FG does fonts, simple runic are probably best. The Beth Luis might be being used already.
    Last edited by Griogre; June 27th, 2012 at 21:50.

  4. #14
    Zeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Griogre
    Maybe something like Gaim?
    Or one of the Beth Luis ones. I'm not really sure of the difference between Beth-Luis-Fearn and Beth-Luis-Nion but they are free and all over the Internet. Given the way FG does fonts, simple runic are probably best. The Beth Luis might be being used already.
    Beth Luis Fearn is already in use for the Primordial language. I'll take a look at Gaim and Beth Luis Nion.
    FG Project Development
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  5. #15
    Zeus's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Update: v2.31 available

    OK. Updated v2.31 attached.

    • Languages which do not map to registered Language fonts are now mapped to a new "noneoftheabove" font based upon Gaim Bold 14pts instead of the standard chat font. This enables all non-Common languages to be supported. Characters with matching languages on char sheets will still receive translation of the message.
    • GM is now always sent a translated version of the message (any language)
    • New Language: Common


    Last edited by Zeus; June 28th, 2012 at 11:44.
    FG Project Development
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    * All fluid by nature and therefore subject to change.

  6. #16

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    Thanks again, DrZuess.

  7. #17
    DrZ -

    I modified the extension.xml so I could use homebrew language names - previously this had been done simply by changing the font name= line.

    However with the update any time I do this the font falls back to the "none of the above" font. For example, these do not work, even though the character has thulic and llweyyr listed as a language - the translation actually takes place, but with the incorrect font.

    <font name="thulic">
    <fgffile name="fonts/dnd4edwarvish-bold-14.fgf" />
    <color value="#000000" />
    <font name="llweyyr">
    <fgffile name="fonts/dnd4eelvish-regular-14.fgf" />
    <color value="#000000" />

  8. #18

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    I'm not DrZ, but you need to add your two languages to the list of languages on line 36 in manager_language.lua as well as adding the font descriptions, IE Change this:
    	local languages = {"deepspeech", "draconic", "dwarven", "elven", "giant", "goblin", "primordial", "supernal", "abyssal", "common"};
    to this:
    	local languages = {"deepspeech", "draconic", "dwarven", "elven", "giant", "goblin", "llweyyr", "primordial", "supernal", "thulic", "abyssal", "common"};

  9. #19
    thanks much!

    It's been a while since I modified this originally, so I must have forgotten this step.

    And now my players can return to speaking Erunidinothiellian!

    Not that they want to...tongue sprains and all that.

  10. #20
    Zeus's Avatar
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    Griorge's instructions are correct.

    In the FGII v2.9.1+ version I added in conditional checks for the specified language to allow for unregistered languages to be captured using the noneoftheabove named font.

    Registration of fonts now also requires adding the language name to the languages table as Griogre has posted above.
    FG Project Development
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