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  1. #1

    End of the World! Last chance to play!

    The Mayans were kind enough to tell us that the world will end on Saturday, December 22nd, 2012.
    They forgot to tell us whether that was midnight EST, CST or PST.

    Any TRUE gamer would want to be playing DnD the night the world ends. So I have created just such a game night!

    This is a tongue in cheek, one night adventure to be played through all time zones until the world implodes.
    Isn't Fantasy Grounds DnD exactly where you want to be when Jesus comes???

  2. #2
    I think that the polar magnetism is supposed to reverse, so technically (from an uninformed point of view ) we will all be flung off into the depths of space as the gravity of our planet goes wonky.

    Jesus has nothing to do with this one, this time... he's sitting back and asking "Who the heck are the Mayans and why doesn't their calendar just start again when it comes to the end? That's the lamest thing I have ever heard of... " At least that's what I imagine he would be saying if I believed in that kind of stuff...

    I'm still hoping to get superpowers or something out of this deal. What I would give to be able to fly and shoot lighting bolts from my arse!

    Quote Originally Posted by Iceman
    The Mayans were kind enough to tell us that the world will end on Saturday, December 22nd, 2012.
    They forgot to tell us whether that was midnight EST, CST or PST.

    Any TRUE gamer would want to be playing DnD the night the world ends. So I have created just such a game night!

    This is a tongue in cheek, one night adventure to be played through all time zones until the world implodes.
    Isn't Fantasy Grounds DnD exactly where you want to be when Jesus comes???

  3. #3
    Being British I of course uphold that all apocolypses are prompt and stick to Greenwich Mean Time.

    Am curious as to whether the Mayan astrologers, being extreme workaholics thought around 1500 years of calandars was enough and that someone later on would pick up the slack and carve out the rest.

    From my limited geography I think a magnetic shift/reversal is likely to cause a gradual tilting of the earth that will place the equator some running through a different spot, I heard cutting through russia. I will not cause us t be flung into space as gravity is dependent on mass not magnetism (Mars has cooled to the point where it's core is cold so doesn't spin to create the magnetic effect)

    HOWEVER. We are overdue on two things: a volcanic burb and a viral epidemic. Volcanic activity is still going strong and from the ice age and before we've had explosions that have caused us to skip a summer and had a year long winter. Yellowstone is the msot likely but another is the plate that runs under antartica, and if that one blows the nightmare scenario is a possible 10 METER rise in sea level globally. Viral epidemics were common right up to the early 20th century with spanish flu, and we've had narrow misses with swine flu and bird flu. If we saw another one of those or another animal crossover then we could see a death of approximately 10% global population (not just the virus but if an infrastructure collapses under the strain then there sanitation and secondary illnesses)

    So, now you know what I watch WAY too much of on YouTube the game sounds awesome. Do we have a suitably apocalyptic game or setting? Only one that comes to mind is old WoD Gehenna series
    Really enjoying The Pathfinder Society right now and maybe one day I'll have a regular time for a longer campaign. And also with a better internet conenction I'll be running again.
    I'm available to game GMT+0:
    Tuesday: 6PM-12AM Wednesday:9AM-5PM
    Thursday:9AM-11PM Friday:6PM-2AM

  4. #4
    I can't even plan a week ahead, much less nearly 8 months ahead...

    As for what to play, it has to be some cataclysmic D&D-ish if the start of the thread is to be followed...

    Something along the lines of the Prime Material plane is about to be ripped into a number of pieces equal to the # of planes and joined with them. We have to stop it from happening.

    So, at least 2nd level guys I'd imagine...
    It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll;
    I am the Master of my Fate, I am the Captain of my Soul.

  5. #5
    ddavison's Avatar
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    I'm fully expecting my super powers to arrive that day as well. I'm thinking I should run around my suburb nekkid because while I will most likely gain the power of invisibility, I doubt it would convey that power to my clothing. If I can shoot fireballs, then that will just be a bonus. Nobody will see them until they spring into existence... or at least I hope so; otherwise, that might be a little awkward.

  6. #6
    Doug I think that depends on whether you get Invisibility or Greater Invisibility. For the sake of the children lets hope it's the later.

  7. #7


    If you are sporting a pair of fireballs I dont wanna be anywhere near you...invisible or otherwise!

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