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Thread: FRP Extension

  1. #1
    Ardem's Avatar
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    Sydney, Australia

    FRP Extension

    This is a very old thread please do not use this thread anymore.

    There is a new version here:

    The FRP extension, is used to convert RMC into FRP. I did this because I really enjoy FRP and although RMC is very similar the aspects the changes were not really to my liking. It feels FRP-Lite is RMC. Still a great product just not as detailed as FRP. Most of RMC ruleset is compatible with FRP, but required a number of the character stats to be changed as well as various other elements of the character sheet.

    FRP Extension v0.66 (works with 1.7.6) (Modified to load in FGU)
    (See attached file)

    FRP Extension v0.66 (works with 1.7.6)

    Mod File v0.6

    1. Copy the RMFRP.ext to the c:\users\username\appdata\roaming\Fantasy grounds II\extension folder
    2. Copy the RM FRP Rules.mod to the c:\users\username\appdata\roaming\Fantasy grounds II\mod folder
    - Remember these are zip files renamed with ext and mod at the end, some browsers treat them and try to open them as flat file, you need to keep it in the original zip format with the .ext and .mod at the end

    Old versions
    FRP Extension v0.65
    FRP Extension v0.61
    FRP Extension v0.56
    FRP Extension v0.55
    FRP Extension v0.54
    FRP Extension v0.53
    FRP Extension v0.52
    FRP Extension v0.51
    FRP Extension v0.5
    FRP Extension v0.41
    FRP Extension v0.4
    FRP Extension v0.34
    FRP Extension v0.33
    FRP Extension v0.32
    FRP Extension v0.31
    FRP Extension v0.3
    FRP Extension v0.2
    FRP Extension v0.1
    Mod File v0.1
    Mod File v0.35
    Mod File v0.5
    Mod File v0.51
    FRP Changes in the code

    - Stat Bonuses
    - Stat Race Bonuses
    - Development Points
    - Development Point Totalling
    - Race Resistant Stats
    - Armour Stat Bonus Calculations
    - Armour Manueuver Mods
    - A whole range of things around Skills
    - Basic Movement Rate calculations
    - Encumbrance calculations
    - Movement Maneuver Roll off skill table
    - Static Maneuver Roll off skill table
    - Spell Maneuver Roll off skill table

    - XP Tracker
    - Resolve Static Maneuver Rolls
    - Quick Spell casting Modifiers

    Included Tables
    - Spell casting Static Maneuver
    - Static Maneuver
    - School of Hard Knock Static Maneuver tables.
    - Chris Seal's Hidden Rolls extension

    Works with RMC 1.7.5

    I am open to all your thoughts and critics.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Trenloe; July 15th, 2020 at 11:49. Reason: Added FGU version

  2. #2
    It looks very good. I can't wait to test it. I've done some similar work and I am hoping I can just use your extension instead.

    Just out of curiosity is the XP tracker a manual process or is there some automation to it?

  3. #3
    Ardem's Avatar
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    Unfortunately the only real automation it has is the math calculations for the Maneuver and Spell points. There problem with combat is that besides the HP there is too many variables with the critical, but it will help you as GM build the points. Unless I made house rule points with the criticals but I don't want to I am aiming to make the FRP as it stands.
    Also to pull the data from the action of any of the above you will spend more time correcting then doing but open to ideas. But trying to build as much useful automation as I can. Also you want the players to fill at as much as they can here, more things to keep them busy the better.

    I will be adding two buttons to the total section. One to reset and add the session points to total and another too add the total to the front page and reset the total button.

    Also this is the full GM view the players only get the first 3 panes without the totals.
    Last edited by Ardem; January 27th, 2012 at 21:32.

  4. #4
    GunnarGreybeard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ardem
    - XP Tracker
    I might have missed this in another thread but are there any plans to have this added into RMC via extension?
    FG:Unity Ultimate License Holder: Meaning anyone can join my games, even those with just the Demo . . .
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  5. #5
    Ardem's Avatar
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    It is doable, but will need to rework the maths, once I have finished the frp version of it, I will look at making a seperate extension for RMC only.

  6. #6
    GunnarGreybeard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ardem
    It is doable, but will need to rework the maths, once I have finished the frp version of it, I will look at making a seperate extension for RMC only.
    No rush. I know you have a life outside of FG but just seeing that screenshot got me all excited and I couldn't contain myself.
    FG:Unity Ultimate License Holder: Meaning anyone can join my games, even those with just the Demo . . .
    Timezone: UTC-6/CST (My 'Current' Local Time)
    Currently Running: An Old-School Essentials campaign, set in Hârn . . . Here is the discord channel -> Hârnic OSE.
    Current Design Project: Developing a stand-alone "Hârnic 5e" setting for OSE and Fifth Edition . . .

  7. #7
    Looks really cool indeed! Well done!

    Were you planning to make the "XP Tracker" as a "GM control panel", like the combat tracker, so the the GM doesn't have to flip through each character sheet to maintain the data live?

    Couple of other cool features:

    - Support dragging, similar to combat tracker, where the GM can drop (for example) the attack result on a player's XP tracker. (ie. resolver says player just scored 14EK; GM drags that to the XP tracker and it automatically adds 14 Hits damage dealt and a Crit-E scored).

    - Visibility toggle as an option in the RMC preferences.

    EDIT: - A "add to XP total & clear all" button.
    Last edited by lachancery; January 27th, 2012 at 22:10.

  8. #8
    Yeah, something like Dr. Zeuss' Party Sheet would be nice for tracking XP among other things.

  9. #9
    Ardem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lachancery
    Looks really cool indeed! Well done!

    Were you planning to make the "XP Tracker" as a "GM control panel", like the combat tracker, so the the GM doesn't have to flip through each character sheet to maintain the data live?
    Not thought about that but definitely something I can add on later, right now my focus is to get the FRP end finished but it seem there can be a lot of scope for this XP tracker.

    My thoughts were the players could be the one adding to their character sheet rather then the GM, at the end of the session the GM could do a bit of extra work and add the various kill points, then add the 'session total' to the total, I normally give the XP at the end of the adventure, so I would then hit 'add total to player XP' at the end. I think a GM has enough on his plate so my thought process was down this route. But if a GM wanted to do all the work then a control panel would be the only way.

    Quote Originally Posted by lachancery

    Couple of other cool features:

    - Support dragging, similar to combat tracker, where the GM can drop (for example) the attack result on a player's XP tracker. (ie. resolver says player just scored 14EK; GM drags that to the XP tracker and it automatically adds 14 Hits damage dealt and a Crit-E scored).

    - Visibility toggle as an option in the RMC preferences.

    EDIT: - A "add to XP total & clear all" button.
    Some really interesting features here,

    Your first point: A radial button option would probably be better then drag and drop that way your not moving screens. I had thought of that process but would need to invest more time in "XP tracker" so to speak, then FRP. But can put it to my to do list.

    - Definitely could add that, what would the options you like to see.
    Last edited by Ardem; January 27th, 2012 at 23:15.

  10. #10
    Ardem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dakadin
    Yeah, something like Dr. Zeuss' Party Sheet would be nice for tracking XP among other things.
    I have not seen Dr Zeuss Party Sheet in action at all, so something to look at.

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