1. #1

    Alephtar Games Plans for 2012

    I figured folks in this board might have a special interest in this recent announcement I came across.

    Alephtar Games Plans for 2012

    January 2012 – Veni, Vidi, Vici for Fantasy Grounds

    February 2012 – Kidnapping in al-Halisa, ported to BRP, in PDF and for Fantasy Grounds

    March 2012 – Aegis for Fantasy Grounds, plus a possible surprise for Italian fans only...

    March or April 2012 – Crusaders of the Amber Coast for Fantasy Grounds

    April or May 2012 – The Whitlingthorpe Campaign (from Merrie England) for Fantasy Grounds

    June 2012 – The Zone, a post-apoc style setting and adventure for BRP, in PDF and for Fantasy Grounds

    Christmas 2012 – BRP Mecha, in print, PDF and for Fantasy Grounds. At last.

    If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself. -- Confucius

  2. #2
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Paolo is a good guy and he is a pretty big fan and user of Fantasy Grounds as well. I wish him and Alephtar games well on their plans. They have one free product in the store here already.

    Here is a link to his products (just the 1 for now):

    I just noted that I had it categorized under Adventure instead of under Free Supplement. That should be fixed now.

    Here are the other free ones if you want:

    There's a problem that prevents PayPal from allowing checkout without a non-free product in the cart with it. Most of these should be available on RPGNow and DriveThruRPG as well though, without that restriction. I also put a direct download link in the product description for him; although, I'm sure he'd appreciate seeing how many download it through the cart or RPGNow.


  3. #3
    Thanks to Doug and everyone for your appreciation. I hope you will appreciate the final products, too.

    I will run a quick playtest of Veni, Vidi, Vici next week, so watch the advertisement list if you want to experience the thrill of adventuring with Julius Caesar himself. I have an ultimate license, so it will be a good opportunity to try out FGII if you have not experienced it yet, or to persuade that friend of yours to give it a try.

  4. #4
    Whatever became of the BRP Rome FGII product?

  5. #5
    As discussed on a previous thread, we will not publish the equivalent of "BRP Rome" in FGII format. We will, instead, publish the Roman scenario pack "Veni, Vidi, Vici", along with a small subset of the rules that is necessary to play the adventures (riots, weapons) in library format. It will also include an extension to make the BRP Character sheet look like the BRP Rome character sheet, although you will need "Rome" for the explanation of how some skills and rules work.

    The scenario pack will be out later this month.

  6. #6
    Will the Merrie England be made for FGII? Just curious. I just bought both the Roman one and Merrie England on friday and both look very interesting.

  7. #7
    The Merrie England campaign (Whitlingthorpe) will be converted for Fantasy Grounds, as the plan says.

  8. #8

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