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  1. #1

    Are any updates planned ?

    Hi guys
    Are there any updates to this set planned ? After playing around with both Savage Worlds and D&D this set seems to be a bit archaic now. Any updates planned ?

  2. #2
    Indeed! I'd like to see an update to take advantage of some of the 2.8 features as well. More tables, more easy-to-access charts, and better monster/item integration would really be preferable too. Right now all the info is in there, but its hardly what I would call integrated into the FG system. Most of the work still has to be done manually by recopying info from the text into items, monsters, etc. Kind of a disappointment...

  3. #3
    I'm no longer involved in supporting this ruleset, but you shouldn't have to copy text from monsters or items. They have been drag-and-droppable from the outset.

    In fact, the CoC ruleset was the first to allow the GM to drag NPCs and drop them on the player list (for pre-gen characters).


  4. #4
    That's true, it does for monsters and for weapons, but not for the general items list (as far as I can tell). My mistake! In any case, I do like the ruleset, but I wish that it were still being improved upon. Sometimes it feels clumsy to use, and its easier for me to simply get my physical books and thumb through them.

  5. #5
    True, it is showing its vintage, and there could be more automation.

    The 'items' drag and drop also works for special items (from the 'Items' list, or blueprint icon, on the main screen) but not for inventory. Draggable inventory is relatively new in FG.


  6. #6
    It really is a shame that nothing seems to be happening. Especially as this add on cost more than Savage Worlds, which is way way better ( note : wrt FG2, not the actual game ).

    For example - I just recently played in a game, which culminated in a fight against cultists. Only the Keeper could see the combat order, which is understandable for the first round, but after that, was rather frustrating. We couldn't see who was damaged either. It left us all feeling that this add-on isn't a major step change from using Skype(speech) + Dropbox(images). We could have used the standard D&D FG2 set for dicerolling along with the latter.

  7. #7
    ddavison's Avatar
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    We have plans to update each of our rulesets to give them feature parity with newer rulesets. We see this as an ongoing thing and that is the principal reason we've switched our outsourcing model to be commission based instead of a one-time upfront development cost. Whenever we deliver updates, we strive to release these free of charge to existing customers and repay the developers providing the updates with new sales of the product.

    D&D 4E, D&D 3.5E/Pathfinder and Savage Worlds have received the most attention recently and therefore have the greatest level of automation at this time. We have a solid developer working on updating Castles & Crusades currently, but that developer also has done a lot of conversion work on CoC. If nobody else jumps in to take over CoC updates, it will probably go into the queue after C&C.

  8. #8
    Thanks for the update, good to know that something is happening

  9. #9
    That's great news! I'm really glad to hear it. The recent updates to FG have been wonderful, and I'd love to see them reflected universally.

  10. #10
    Another thing to remember: if you have the BRP ruleset and use the free Eldritch Horror extension, you can load most Call of Cthulhu material. You don't get the CoC skin, but you do get a slightly more up to date ruleset with features such as player combat tracker and p2p whispers.


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