January 19th, 2025, 10:45 #1
LFP 2;30 pm GMT Fridays Savage worlds for Pathfinder 2
Rise of the Runelords
Game System: Savages Worlds for Pathfinder
Day of Week: Friday
Time of Day: 2.30pm to 5PM GMT
Frequency: Weekly
GM License: Ultimate (players need only a free license) Fantasy grounds
Voice/Text: Discord Voice,
Mix of RPG/Combat/Strategy: 25/50/25
Permitted Source Books: Main Savage Worlds for pathfinder book plus companion and Advanced players guide
Setting: Need a replacement player for the start of book 2. Existing group very welcoming. Current Seasoned characters are human wizard , a summoner and a hafling rogue. DM me if interestedUltimate licence
GMT Time zone-UK
brawny hook bold thug
ON DMS Guild http://www.dmsguild.com/product/2246...&filters=45680
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