1. #1

    2 players LFG Europe GMT+1 Tuesday-Thursday.

    Hi there.

    Me and a fellow friend are looking for a new game and group to join for either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. We are in GMT+1 and would prefer a game from 6-8pm too 10-11pm our time.

    Aside that, we have 10+ years of TTRPG experience, with savage worlds, 5E&3.5, Cyberpunk, Blades in the dark and assorted others. We are comfortable with learning systems and trying out new things.

    Our playstyle are
    Mix of RPG/Combat/Strategy: I enjoy a mix of RPG, strategy and combat. I have done combat heavy and I have done RP heavy, but never tried strategy heavy.
    Preferred Character Roles (in order):
    1) Face of the party&Charisma character / Melee
    2) Blaster Caster / Ranged
    3) Walking Moron/Crouching Badass - Support
    4) Meme role / Lethal joke character - Ranged support
    Preferred Format: Voice and text.

    Mix of RPG/Combat/Strategy: I enjoy a mix of RPG and strategy.
    Preferred Character Roles (in order):
    Support caster.
    Human Fighter.
    DPS caster.
    Preferred Format: Voice and text.
    Campaign Length: Ideally 1–2 years, but I’m flexible with shorter or longer campaigns.

    No paid, please.

    With kind regards,
    Dwarf Ulf /Chris.

  2. #2

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