1. #1

    Sounds and Syrinscape

    I want to start using sounds. I've followed the directions and it's not working or at least not as I expected. I subscribed to Syrinscape, I did the authorization with my account. The web import did nothing, button just pressed nothing happened. So I did the CSV import and everything showed up. Did the whole web authorization and invite players that all worked.

    So I clicked on the players link and got the webplayer, made sure sounds were allowed. Got back into FGU click the play button on a sound and nothing happened. I tried to use music as I assumed once I hit play on that button it would change to a stop, nope hit it goes back to play in a milisecond.

    What I'm looking to do is just click sounds when I want from within FGU so they play. I was hoping they would play within FGU without the use of an outside players. So here are my questions.

    1. Why isn't my connection to Syrinscape working, why will nothing play in the above scenario
    2. If I were to buy FG sound packs, where do those sound "play" from? Is there still a janky webplayer involved?
    3. If I import my own sounds will that allow me to do what I want.
    4. Can sounds be assigned to events? This might be further in the documentation that I haven't gotten to since I can't even get them to play right now.

    I'm hoping I can do what I want with the Syrinscape subscription or else I just subscribed for 6 months for nothing.

    Help greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    You will always need the Syrinscape web player, that's what will play the sounds - but once you get it setup correctly, you can open it once using the invite and then control all the sounds from within FG.

    The first thing to verify is that your authorization token is correctly inserted in the authorization key in FG. As the web import didn't work, this probably indicates that this is not setup accurately. Go to the Syrinscape control panel at and click "show auth token" - copy this and then paste it into the authorization key section in FG. Make sure it is correct and that there aren't any spaces at the beginning or end. Don't regenerate the token on the Syrinscape website, just get the current token.

    Once you've re-entered the authorization token, click the "Invite" button in the FG Sound:Settings window and open the "Join my Syrinscape session!" link in chat - click "Yes to All" in the Open URL window. Click the start button in the web browser window that opens.

    Then, play some music from the Sound:Settings window in FG - click "Yes to All" in the Open URL window that will appear for the first time. You should see the music in the "Now Playing" section of the Sound:Context window in FG. Go to the web browser you have open and verify that you can see some bars in the bottom of the window, indicating that some sounds are playing - it can take a few seconds for it to first start. If you see bars but don't hear anything, increase the volume and make sure that the web browser tab has permissions to play sound.
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  3. #3
    Out running an errand so will do this when I get home but another question. When I put in the auto cod in FGU there was no ok button or anything. I just copied it in and then hit X to close the authorization window.

    Is that correct?

  4. #4
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    The standard FG fields should store the data without the need for an OK button or similar. To verify just open the window again and check if the key is there.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    The standard FG fields should store the data without the need for an OK button or similar. To verify just open the window again and check if the key is there.
    Ok I basically just tried copy and pasting the key again and it was a different key and this one worked.

    I'll keep going through the online to see if I can trigger sounds on events etc.

  6. #6
    Maybe I should have done a little more research before subscribing to Syrinscape.

    Please let me know if I have this correct.

    I need to buy the PHB and MM sound set modules to get any sound sets to show up as per the examples in your videos.

    I can’t set up my own sound sets. Example I have a haunted forest map, I want to associate some sounds to the map so when I open it those sounds populate my sound set. I can’t seem to find instructions on how to do that or if it’s possible.

    Right now it seems the only thing I can do is open settings from sounds and launch sound manually which is cumbersome

    please let me know if i’m missing anything

  7. #7
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    You can absolutely set up your own soundsets - see this portion of the Syrinscape Sounds Wiki page: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...-Sets-Manually

    To setup a soundset linked to a map:
    1) Create a new soundset
    2) Drag the link for the map to the soundset, this will set the correct Type and Subtype automatically.
    3) Drag the syrinscape sounds you want to be associated with this map to the soundset.
    4) When you open the map the sounds added to the linked soundset will be listed in the Sound: Context window.

    See the example below:

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    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    You can absolutely set up your own soundsets - see this portion of the Syrinscape Sounds Wiki page: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...-Sets-Manually

    To setup a soundset linked to a map:
    1) Create a new soundset
    2) Drag the link for the map to the soundset, this will set the correct Type and Subtype automatically.
    3) Drag the syrinscape sounds you want to be associated with this map to the soundset.
    4) When you open the map the sounds added to the linked soundset will be listed in the Sound: Context window.

    See the example below:

    I usually link the custom sound links to the appliciable story section or map image, etc so I don't have to keep the sound context window open half of the time. It's a little less convenient.
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  9. #9
    Ok revisiting this since I've gotten a better handle on it. I've created a sound set in FG, linked to to story content and maps so I've got all that figured out.

    My question is this, I've created a sound set in Syrinscape which has a bunch of customer imported sounds. I've resynch in my setting in FG and those sounds are there but I have to find them indivdualy by searching their name.

    Is there no way to filter by sound set within FG? I see I can filter by sound pack but that doesn't help.

    It would be a great feature to add to be able to

    1. Bring in custom sound packs and search by them.
    2. Take a custom sound pack and easily make it a sound set in FG.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Danimal66 View Post
    Is there no way to filter by sound set within FG? I see I can filter by sound pack but that doesn't help.
    Not right now. It was asked by other people when the feature was first released (here I did it, for example, but other people did in other threads) but it's not currently available.

    In another thread that I can't find anymore it was mentioned that the fact that a Soundset can belong to multiple Soundpacks, somehow, complicates things for the devs. But it's been a long time so I can't remember the details.

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