Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #1

    UWP Web Import Tool

    Link to Forge Page:

    Have you ever been creating an adventure for your crew and working through all the pieces and parts to present to your players and you get to the System creation for the subsector they will be hanging around in during the adventure and thought, "ugghhhh"?

    Tired of the slog of hand-transcribing data from TravellerMap into new System records?

    Then, this is the tool for you.

    1) Create a blank System Record and place #UWP# in the system name field

    2) Open the UWP Import tool by pressing the nifty button that looks like a familiar planet in the upper right corner (for most of us anyway)

    3) Enter the Sector Name (e.g., Spinward Marches)

    4) Enter the Hex number of the world from (e.g., 1529)

    5) Press Retrieve

    6) Breath a sigh of relief

    7) Goto #1

    FIXED in Version 1.25: There are a couple of quirks with the data after it gets entered into the form when you start tabbing down through the form. Obviously, you need to tab into, at least, the Sector field so the form will populate the text next to all the individual UWP fields. This is when you will see Hex Location and, probably, Bases get erased. I suggest using your mouse to click on those fields and re-enter that data by hand. I didn't have any issues as long as I did that.

    Change Table:
    Version Date Comments
    1.00 2024-12-03 Initial release
    1.25 2024-12-10 Update to change how the UWP is populated on the form so the individual fields are filled in and not the UWP field at the top so as not to interfere with how that field gets auto-populated by the ruleset.
    1.50 2024-12-17 Added functionality to dump and format the requested T5 Extension data onto the Notes tab in a tabular format.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Stargrove; December 17th, 2024 at 01:30.

  2. #2
    Thank you. Will look for it on the Forge when uploaded.
    We do not stop playing because we grow old.
    We grow old because we stop playing.

  3. #3
    GregRex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Very cool, thanks Stargrove!

  4. #4
    This is now listed on the Forge (see first post for link).

    Let me know if there is anything else the Extension could do or if something is not working.

    Some other information is in the JSON data, like the codes for Economics and Culture, that could be thrown into the Notes tab. If that is something you are interested in, let me know. If I knew what all the codes meant, I could probably iterate that info onto the notes tab as well, but I am unsure of the source from which it is derived, so I have no reference for all the possible codes.

    Last edited by Stargrove; December 10th, 2024 at 11:37.

  5. #5
    I submitted a new build this evening that should eliminate the weirdness I was seeing with data getting dropped when you started tabbing through the fields. The update was to change how the UWP is populated on the form so the individual fields are filled in and not the UWP field at the top so as not to interfere with how the ruleset auto-populates that field.

  6. #6
    Would like to see the extra information placed into the notes tab.
    Traveller map uses the Traveller 5 rule system the codes are in Book 3 of the T5 core rules.
    Thanks for the very handy tool.

  7. #7
    Since that information is included in the JSON data, I will start the process of incorporating that information onto the Notes tab.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Conspiracy View Post
    Would like to see the extra information placed into the notes tab.
    Traveller map uses the Traveller 5 rule system the codes are in Book 3 of the T5 core rules.
    Thanks for the very handy tool.
    I have uploaded the build to the Forge, which adds this functionality. I did it so the data gets formatted as three tables of info. I added a new image (if the images ever update) to the store so you can see what it will look like. If that takes too much space on the Notes tab, let me know, and I can change how it gets formatted to remove the tables.
    Last edited by Stargrove; December 17th, 2024 at 02:01.

  9. #9
    Looks good thank you very much.

  10. #10
    How do you download it and install it? Thanks

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