1. #1

    LFP - Shadowdark - 4 players - 6-10 PM US Central, Thursdays

    FG License: Ultimate (free for players with only demo)
    Game System: Shadowdark

    Time Zone: USA Central
    Day of week and time: Thursdays, 6 PM to 10 PM
    If new game, planned start date: December 12th
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly, 3 or 4 hours

    Text or Voice: Voice with Discord
    Main Language used: English

    Roleplay & Combat mix: Heavily dependent on players
    Number of Players in game & needed: Need 4 to 5
    Character starting level & equipment: Level 0 Gauntlet, specifically Hoard of the Seawolf King

    Character restrictions:

    Ancestries Allowed: Human, Dwarf, Forest Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, Gnome, Dragonborn
    Classes Allowed: Fighter, Thief, Wizard, Priest with further becoming "unlocked" as game progresses.

    Details of your scenario: The party that survives the Hoard of the Seawolf King will be asked to investigate goings on in the Duchy of Kordoth. The Duke has been murdered and the people are looking for someone to blame. Is it bandits operating out of Hunter's Edge and the Wynwood? Is it cultists from the old Temple? Or is it the new Orc King in the ruins of Castle Kordoth?

    Be aware that your intro will be a "Gauntlet" adventure. A level 0 gauntlet is a meat grinder but is a great introduction to the lethality of the game. The premise is you are a peasant trying to get into the adventuring life and the gauntlet is your introduction. This also fits the theme of Shadowdark which is very much "zero to hero". You create 4 level 0 characters so you can quickly replace them when they die. A level 0 character has no class (yet) and gets a character class after emerging from the gauntlet alive.

    What is Shadowdark?: Shadowdark is an old school feeling game on the 5E skeleton. Play is quicker and more lethal. Many rules are simplified for quick play. It is very much a combat as war system. PCs cannot see in the dark and lighting is a critical part of the game when dungeon diving. Players are best served by fleeing stronger enemies and creating an unfair advantage to attack them with later (traps, environmental hazards, etc..). Charging straight into every enemy you see will likely end in death.

    If this sounds exciting to you, comment below or send me a DM!

    Duchy of Kordoth.pngDuchy of Kordoth.png

  2. #2
    I would like to play. I'm actually running my own Shadowdark campaign on Saturdays.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by claedawg View Post
    I would like to play. I'm actually running my own Shadowdark campaign on Saturdays.

    I'll DM you my Discord.

    If you know anyone else who is interested lemme know!

  4. #4

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