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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    If you are playing on Wifi you could experience increased lag with that number of devices but really I think it is unlikely that on average the LAN game could be slower. single digit ms round trips vs 100s of ms.
    I'd be curious if the PC's on that network pinged each other what the time reponse would be, because like you that seems odd to me.

  2. #12

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    Mar 2006
    Maybe they were using a wireless PAN (personal area network) instead of a LAN? Because, yeah, LAN normally is faster.

  3. #13
    My group does this every week, although I still leave the LAN connected to the outside world. I have used FGU's connection broker ("cloud") without trouble, but that sends all the data outside and back. I think I just had the clients connect one at a time so the "acquiring files" happened at different times. Doing it this way would avoid having to quickly learn the ins and outs of networking.

    One week I got FGC running and connected via LAN on two laptops, slept them on battery, and hauled enough hardware over to another house and ran things there without an outside connection. I don't know if this still works on FGU. Test it by getting everything working with an outside connection, pull the network wire, leave things running, and come back in the morning.

    If the above works, you could use a phone to tether/hotspot a machine on the network and let the licenses authorize, then drop the hotspot. This would require you learning how to set up a machine to route data between the local network and the phone. I assume the phone provider may not like this.

    In the strange things to look out for area, AT&T provides me with "dual band" wifi built in to their router. We had constant disconnections with FGU over wifi until I disabled the 5ghz band. I never tracked it down fully, but I think my machines are far enough away from the router that the shorter 5ghz range caused too much channel hopping and somehow it caused problems with FGU.

  4. #14
    Yes, we're all connected via wifi in the house, not direct lan. Also, all the computers we're using are four year old cast offs, when we play online everyone is using higher end gear.

  5. #15
    Coming back to this again as I'm going to be trying this on Sunday. One of the players has a Mac (I have PC). I know how to get into windows 10/11 and set a PC IP address. Mac on the other hand...anyone have some advice on this that may have used one?

  6. #16

  7. #17
    I'm used to having to do all this crap manually when I do it at work (I don't have in depth understanding, just enough to get E/IP talking to each other). The Netgear GS308EP I have seems to support DHCP. So, if I connect my laptop to a port after plugging it in, it should set itself up so that the other PC's with the player accounts will just be configured correct? Then they would just have to put in the IP address for the game in the "join" field for LAN, and good to go?

    That'd be ideal.

  8. #18
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    If everything has DHCP enabled, then just connect everything, the router will assign IPs to everything. You can then run netstat from cmd to find your host IP address for the player to input, or once you have your campaign open in FG you can type /info in the chat and it will tell you your IP (I think).

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