Thread: Sound Sets

  1. #1

    Sound Sets

    I can see all the guidelines for rulesets, tokens, adventures, etc, but I cannot find anyplace to post a custom sound set. I recently created a sound set for all of the Wildshapes associated with the One-Click Druid module and am willing to share that work. It is a simple group that points to the syrinscape sound files, and plays a creature sound when the druid shifts into wildshape. Who doesn't love the roar of a tiger when it appears?

    Where are custom sound sets being shared? (or is anyone even interested)



    FYI- I did clear this with the One-Click admin

  2. #2
    Trenloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    This would be very cool to share. If the module's specific to a certain ruleset, I assume D&D 5E, then the best place to post is in that ruleset sub-forum.
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