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  1. #11
    So this is what I can up with, found this in the ct_host_entry_section.xml file

    <windowclass name="ct_effect">
    <margins control="0,0,0,2" />
    <script file="ct/scripts/ct_effect.lua" />
    <base_ct_effect name="base" />

    <anchor_ct_effect_left name="leftanchor" />
    <button_ct_effect_isactive name="isactive" />
    <button_ct_effect_isgmonly name="isgmonly" />

    <anchor_ct_effect_right name="rightanchor" />
    <button_ct_effect_idelete name="idelete">
    function onButtonPress()
    if getValue() == 0 then
    if window.delete then
    effectNode = window.getDatabaseNode();
    sEffectName = DB.getValue(effectNode,"label","");


    <button_ct_effect_targetadd name="targeting_add_button" />
    <number_ct_effect_init name="init" />
    <number_ct_effect_duration name="duration" />

    <string_ct_effect name="label" />

    <hs_ct_effect_source name="source_name" />
    <string_ct_effect_source name="source" />
    <string_ct_effect_targets name="target_summary" />

  2. #12
    Trenloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    So, are you saying you're now going to do your customizations within that FG XML based code? If all you want to do is run code when an effect is deleted through the FG GUI delete button then that will work - but effects could also be deleted via the right-click menu, effects get deleted when they expire and possibly other events; coding here wouldn't run for anything other than using the delete button in the CT.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    So, are you saying you're now going to do your customizations within that FG XML based code? If all you want to do is run code when an effect is deleted through the FG GUI delete button then that will work - but effects could also be deleted via the right-click menu, effects get deleted when they expire and possibly other events; coding here wouldn't run for anything other than using the delete button in the CT.
    I already found the code for the expiration, which for some reason is different than when it is deleted. I never right click to delete so I think I should be ok.

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