Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #1

    LFP- (2) Long-term 5e 'Pirates' type open-seas campaign

    FG License: GM has full, so players need only the free demo
    Game System: D&D 5e. Minimal QOL changes, e.g Flanking is a +1 and one-level Hexblade dips are nerfed. Might adjust to some of the new 5.5/One D&D as it comes out, depending.

    Time Zone: Most of us are North American, varies
    Day of week and time: Tuesdays: 730 PM EST/ 430 PM PST
    Start date: Just started, players are lvl. 2, likely 3 by the time people read this. But you haven't missed much.
    Planned Duration & Frequency: 3-3.5 hour sessions, nothing too long. Looking more for someone able to commit.
    Term: Long term. Recently finished a 2.5 year-long campaign with this core group, plan on the same again likely.

    Text or Voice: Voice
    Main Language used: English
    Voice software used: Discord
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No, and no video needed. If someone wanted to, though, it wouldn't bother me.

    Roleplay and combat mix: Situational. I try to adjust based on the group's preferences or leave options for different types, and the group can pick which quests to take.
    Number of Players in-game & needed: Have a core group of four that have been playing together for a long time, looking for someone that'll fit in. The group has the final say on if someone's a good fit, more so than I do, but they're big on teamwork and players that work well as a group and don't just do their own thing without consulting first.
    Character starting level & equipment: Level 2-3, depending. I might toss a few hundred gold in addition to starting gear, likely. Everyone also started with a free 'Ioun Stone' of their choosing (non-legendary)
    Character restrictions: Very little, I'm pretty open as long as people are reasonable about things. I have a 1-page doc of minor 'fixes.'

    Details of your scenario: The party owns a boat and is sailing around, trying to eventually deal with the 'Pirate Queen' who's been raiding and pillaging with impunity and dealing with things like Sahuagin and Krakens. It's a homebrew world we've been playing in for decades. I'm just fleshing out more and more areas as we go. I adjust and build around character backstories and will sit back and let the players have full control of what they're doing whenever possible, jumping in just when people get lost or confused.

    Current party: Ranger, Paladin, Cleric, Wizard
    Last edited by wilconran; September 10th, 2024 at 23:47.

  2. #2
    Definitely interested. Would go for a melee class.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by PhuQinDauni View Post
    I'm interested. Melee class.
    As the first two to respond, I'll PM the two of you with my discord!

  5. #5
    Talking to a couple now, but if anyone else wants to toss their name in the hat still, do feel free

  6. #6
    Sounds fun if you still have room.

  7. #7
    I likely have the two, but I'll keep you in mind if anything changes!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by wilconran View Post
    I likely have the two, but I'll keep you in mind if anything changes!

  9. #9
    You can certainly add me to your standby list! My Tuesdays are generally free... 8^)

  10. #10
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