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Thread: Effects

  1. #1


    Is there a list of working Effects for this game? I can't seem to find any (except the few that are listed in the description of some talents).

    EDIT: Can the code be updated so that new effects added to the character sheet are automatically updated on the combat tracker? Currently, if a new effect is added to the character sheet (leveling up and such) the character must be removed from the CT and then re-added for the effects to become active.
    Last edited by claedawg; September 1st, 2024 at 08:44.

  2. #2
    If that is an issue just manually add the effect to the CT. I answered your question on discord.

    "all the standard non condition effects apply to shadowdark. The only custom is SPELLCAST and certain conditionals that would allow surprise"

  3. #3
    Im struggling with this too. I wanted -1 on INT rolls and spellchecks. SPELLCAST: -1 works on those checks but not on INT rolls. If I do INT: -1 its reducing the stat. How is the syntax to only have the check with -1?
    Also DISINIT does not seem to work.
    Last edited by Valhingen; October 16th, 2024 at 16:15.

  4. #4
    INT:# would reduce the die modifier by -1 not the stat. Also DISINIT is working for me.

    You can use this link as guide for the effects. 95% are same or similar
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by bayne7400; October 16th, 2024 at 16:32. Reason: added image

  5. #5
    CHECK: -1, [ability score] should also work. replace [ability score] with intelligence in your case.

  6. #6
    If you also need it to affect the spell casting roll (INT) I would use the INT method. I tried to give you guys all the options or as many as I could.
    Last edited by bayne7400; October 16th, 2024 at 20:46.

  7. #7
    INT: -1 does work but it works on top of SPELLCAST. So with only spellcast -1, its -1 on spellchecks but not -1 on INT tests. With Spellcast and INT -1, its -1 on INT checks but -2 on spellcasting. (yes, DISINIT works, sorry..had a typo in it)

  8. #8
    I tried CHECK: -1, intelligence and [INT] and [intelligence] .. neither seems to work for me

  9. #9
    Why do you need INT and spell cast if they do not stack?

    If it is a spell cast penalty then it applies to all spells if it is in an INT penalty it applies to all int rolls (even spell rolls that use int)

    Help me understand the scenario. I did not add check in now that I look over the code. There was nothing in the RAW that appeared to require it.

  10. #10
    Ok I went ahead and added the check effect. Let me test it out some this week and push it next Tuesday.

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