Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1
    Morenu's Avatar
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    Adding Visibility setting to action tab effect

    I want to allow my DM to have hidden spell effects added to characters when the spell is cast. I know they can switch it to GM only once it is on a character and I know with some of the extensions you can add a visibility option for item effects and a few other things.

    So lets say someone gets cursed without anyone knowing. I want to be able to "cast" these effects from either the player action tab or an NPC's spell tab:

    target - "Cursed; ATK:-1; CON: -2 [hide]"

    so only the GM sees the effect added

    I am specifically setting up an Olive Slime (Green Slime for 2nd ed folks). If it drops on a party member and If no one sees it and if they fail a save, then there is an ongoing effect that the players would not be aware of but it needs tracked.

    I know you can do [dur:4] and such I just don't know where to find those types of syntax add ons
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance** accidentally deleted, If anyone grabbed a copy, PLEASE let me know**. Here is the forum Link.

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  2. #2
    You can add this effect to the Campaign Effects list, and apply from there with the correct visibility.


  3. #3
    Morenu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    You can add this effect to the Campaign Effects list, and apply from there with the correct visibility.

    Huh, Thanks, that works. I may need to toss the idea out to one of the coders to create a visibility option for action/spell tabs for the DMs, otherwise they need to copy the effect to campaign effects then drag it to the player, or maybe have a hidden critter, cast on them, change to DM only then move the effect to the player (haven't tested that idea)
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance** accidentally deleted, If anyone grabbed a copy, PLEASE let me know**. Here is the forum Link.

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