1. #1

    The Damocles Project: Fallout RPG 2D20

    we have a seat open in our new campaign. we have an aussie playing with us, so it is an 11:30pm EST start time.

    session 1 was last week. session 2 is tonite.

    i have wanderers and settlers inputted into FGU, so all origins available in addition to every thing else that is included in those 2 books. (PERKS, weapons, armor, food, items, every thing!)

    a few home brewed rules to compensate for the mistakes in the 3 fallout books. robot armor plating crafting, NPC vs PC stats, etc

    new players welcome. free accounts welcome.

    if there are any questions, please post them here. if you would like to take the seat, PM me here for invite to discord.


  2. #2
    still have 1 seat open in Damocles campaign. some have PMed me about Dead Man's Land campaign, sorry, but that one is full.

    huh! 300th post, made patriarch. lol

  3. #3

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