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View Poll Results: Which Class to Start First for Combat Guide Part 2

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  • Barbarian

    0 0%
  • Bard

    0 0%
  • Cleric

    0 0%
  • Druid

    1 5.26%
  • Fighter

    11 57.89%
  • Monk

    1 5.26%
  • Paladin

    1 5.26%
  • Ranger

    0 0%
  • Rogue

    2 10.53%
  • Sorcerer / Wizard / Warlock

    3 15.79%
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  1. #81
    # FAQ (subject to expansion)

    1. What is a good, universal starting gear for Solo?

    2. How to gather intel about terrain or enemies without meta gaming?

    3. IF No plan survives the first contact with the enemy then why have a plan?

    4. How to reduce missed attacks?

    5. How to gain advantage for attacks & spells?

    6. What are the ways to leave enemies in disadvantage?


    EDITED: Apparently basic counting is hard for me LOOL
    Last edited by Tempered7; January 29th, 2025 at 13:35.
    If you want to solo your way through FGU, I write about Solo RPG methods and reviews in my All Things Solo blog.
    Actual Play Logs are in Solo Play Adventures.

  2. #82
    4. IF No plan survives the first contact with the enemy then why have a plan?

    Because it easier to riff off of a plan than it is to approach a dangerous situation with no plan at all.

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by claedawg View Post
    4. IF No plan survives the first contact with the enemy then why have a plan?

    Because it easier to riff off of a plan than it is to approach a dangerous situation with no plan at all.

    As long as you have a goal in combat, the plan to achieve that goal can be adapted or improvised.
    This goal is usually kill or be killed, but there may also have objectives & considerations other than just killing monsters. (i.e: leave 1 of them alive for interrogation = no AoE).
    Knowing the place & enemies make the improvisation part easier. Especially if you have something in your arsenal that is a counter for their weaknesses.
    So improvisation or adaptation of the plan will be based on this goal.

    EDIT: BUT...
    Last edited by Tempered7; January 29th, 2025 at 13:32.
    If you want to solo your way through FGU, I write about Solo RPG methods and reviews in my All Things Solo blog.
    Actual Play Logs are in Solo Play Adventures.

  4. #84
    Note to self:

    Start Fighting With This Demo. (Same as the Start playing demo. Newcomer friendly. Non-FGU.)

    Based on Rule of Cool.


    Oh, and Start Being Creative With This Demo! hehe. (I'll turn it into a game with 1 rule).

    EDIT 2:

    Make a Be Creative Demo with COMBAT RULES ONLY.

    EDIT 3:

    Relations variation for Perspective Tables
    Last edited by Tempered7; January 30th, 2025 at 21:53.
    If you want to solo your way through FGU, I write about Solo RPG methods and reviews in my All Things Solo blog.
    Actual Play Logs are in Solo Play Adventures.

  5. #85
    ADDED: A Fun Little Game with 1 Rule Start Being Creative With This Demo added into Intro.

    Note: There is no secret cow level.
    Last edited by Tempered7; January 28th, 2025 at 11:22.
    If you want to solo your way through FGU, I write about Solo RPG methods and reviews in my All Things Solo blog.
    Actual Play Logs are in Solo Play Adventures.

  6. #86
    Usage of Be Creative Demo in The Module:

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Tempered7; January 29th, 2025 at 19:20.
    If you want to solo your way through FGU, I write about Solo RPG methods and reviews in my All Things Solo blog.
    Actual Play Logs are in Solo Play Adventures.

  7. #87
    Note to self: Current queue of the poll.

    1. Fighter - 8
    2. Casters - 2 (I shouldda separated them but Sorc / Wiz are almost the same thing anyway).
    3. Rogue - 2
    4. Paladin - 1
    5. Monk - 1
    6. Dudu - 1
    Last edited by Tempered7; February 1st, 2025 at 23:29.
    If you want to solo your way through FGU, I write about Solo RPG methods and reviews in my All Things Solo blog.
    Actual Play Logs are in Solo Play Adventures.

  8. #88
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tempered7 View Post
    # FAQ (subject to expansion)

    1. What is a good, universal starting gear for Solo?

    3. How to gather intel about terrain or enemies without meta gaming?

    4. IF No plan survives the first contact with the enemy then why have a plan?

    5. How to reduce missed attacks?

    6. How to gain advantage for attacks & spells?

    7. What are the ways to leave enemies in disadvantage?

    1. AS always, it depends. But weapons, food, exploration gear (rope, torches, spikes, etc). At higher levels, disposable magic that can help with one-off challenges/blockers like find/detect and knock. And healing.
    2. ?
    3. I don't think you can unless the adventure is designed for solo play. A hexploration type adventure where the DM doesn't know what's in the next hex prevents everyone from metagaming. But for a dungeon or city, I think you have to assume to some degree metaknowledge. If the maps already have LOS and the you only view the maps on a player instance of the client it should work. Or maybe Player Vision PReview turned on? But their will always be that moment of full map reveal.
    4. So that you know in general what your allies are going to try and do. In solo play, I think the other comment about just having an objective is all you need.
    5. Change the odds. But why? To speed up combat? Just give everyone a 10-20% bonus. But this can greatly work against the PC since they will usually be outnumbered.
    6. Suprise? Or situational.
    7. Spells or effects. Or situational.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  9. #89
    1. What is a good, universal starting gear for Solo?

    3. How to gather intel about terrain or enemies without meta gaming?

    4. IF No plan survives the first contact with the enemy then why have a plan?

    5. How to reduce missed attacks?

    6. How to gain advantage for attacks & spells?

    7. What are the ways to leave enemies in disadvantage?

    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    1. AS always, it depends. But weapons, food, exploration gear (rope, torches, spikes, etc). At higher levels, disposable magic that can help with one-off challenges/blockers like find/detect and knock. And healing.
    2. ?
    3. I don't think you can unless the adventure is designed for solo play. A hexploration type adventure where the DM doesn't know what's in the next hex prevents everyone from metagaming. But for a dungeon or city, I think you have to assume to some degree metaknowledge. If the maps already have LOS and the you only view the maps on a player instance of the client it should work. Or maybe Player Vision PReview turned on? But their will always be that moment of full map reveal.
    4. So that you know in general what your allies are going to try and do. In solo play, I think the other comment about just having an objective is all you need.
    5. Change the odds. But why? To speed up combat? Just give everyone a 10-20% bonus. But this can greatly work against the PC since they will usually be outnumbered.
    6. Suprise? Or situational.
    7. Spells or effects. Or situational.
    1. Yes. One addition to those is treating the solo game as video game and starting with HP potions, An antidote, and a Lesser Restoration potion. Not to mention a mule that can carry all of these. Be it a bag of holding, a horse, etc.

    2. I don't know what happened but at the moment Basic counting was too hard for me LOL

    3. In group games, rogues and rangers or familiars can be sent forward for this job, unless you don't want to split the party. But in solo play, all kinds of game devices can be used for this. NPC spies, wizard's moving eye spell (I forgot the name), etc. Now thinking, Hexploration part you mentioned and "I think you have to assume to some degree metaknowledge." is well thought.

    4. Yeah. BUT... xD Also, I expanded the considerations & objectives parts in the module.

    5. I was thinking about adding the ways of exceeding enemy DC with bonuses from various rules (feats, etc) and of coursr advantage + disadvantage both to tie it to next questions. Especially after playing Baldur's Gate 3 where every attack is a miss. It will be all in the module after I quit procrastinating and read the rules

    6. In addition to surprise, other combat rules such as status effects (prone, stun), Guiding Bolt, and Stealth / Invisibility, etc. The rule of thumb in Solo Mode is "Most of the class specific things that gives an advantage can and should be used in other forms such as potions, scrolls, etc."

    7. Yes. Another rule of thumb in Solo Mode where there is no room for mistakes is that "You've got to think ways to give yourself an advantage WHILE giving your targets disadvantage." Answers in the module will explore these ways and I also add those in individual class guides. Under "What a [Class] CAN Do?" part.
    Last edited by Tempered7; January 29th, 2025 at 14:44.
    If you want to solo your way through FGU, I write about Solo RPG methods and reviews in my All Things Solo blog.
    Actual Play Logs are in Solo Play Adventures.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Tempered7 View Post
    ADDED: A Fun Little Game with 1 Rule Start Being Creative With This Demo added into Intro.

    Note: There is no secret cow level.
    Completely New Way of Being Creative:

    1. Make a list of things that you don't like,
    2. Turn it into a random table and replace it with Fun Part (Perspectives) table,
    3. Use it with Step 1 or Alt. Step 1 in this guide,
    4. BUT this time, think about the things you want to change in them.

    Another Tip to Play the Game:

    Start from the d100 roll, and pick / roll for content tables as you see fit with your d100 result.

    # 3 Tips For Stimulating Creativity:

    Vision: Dim the Lights a bit. It helps stimulating the inner eye.
    Hearing: Close your eyes and Listen !Actively!, meaning, pay attention to the volume, tone, intensity, etc of the sounds you're hearing and try to understand what emotion they're reflecting.
    Smell: Whatever the smell of an aroma you want to explore, divide it into small pieces, and then smell.

    Some of the many creativity techniques:

    Brainstorming: A classic method that involves generating a large number of ideas in a short period, without worrying about the quality or feasibility of the ideas. This technique encourages free thinking and helps you explore different possibilities and perspectives.

    Mind mapping:
    A visual technique that involves creating a diagram to represent ideas, concepts, or tasks. By visually connecting related ideas, you can gain a better understanding of complex problems and discover new connections and insights.

    Reverse thinking: A technique that involves challenging traditional assumptions and thinking about a problem from an entirely different perspective. By examining a problem from a different angle, you can identify new solutions and ideas.

    Lateral thinking: A method that encourages thinking outside the box and finding unconventional solutions to problems. Lateral thinking techniques can involve using analogies, asking provocative questions, and exploring paradoxes.
    If you want to solo your way through FGU, I write about Solo RPG methods and reviews in my All Things Solo blog.
    Actual Play Logs are in Solo Play Adventures.

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