January 13th, 2025, 18:03 #41
January 19th, 2025, 13:54 #42
Thanks for all of our amazing work and the bug fixes. I found a few more...
Attacks with downward shifts that result result in a skill die roll smaller than d2 result in an error. The game should follow TABLE 9-1: THE DICE SHIFT LADDER of the core book when handling downward shifts the reduce the die smaller than d2.
Vehicle attacks can be linked to the driver via the CT, but there is no way to link the attacks to passengers. Vehicles often have passengers firing the vehicle's weapons.
Story points can be set by the GM, but the value is not reflected in the client view. Also, we cannot figure out how to decrement story points when we use them.
Unskilled Initiative rolls do not roll initiative with a snag. (They should.)
The ruleset reports a roll of a 20 on the d20 during a Skill Check as a crtical success. However, according to the G.I. JOE Roleplaying Game FAQ Version 1.06, the d20 is not a Skill Die. Therefore, rolling a 20 on the d20 is not a critical success.
January 21st, 2025, 01:42 #43
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Not sure if I am missing something or if it is not working. When I go to add a a skill specialization (Explosives for Technology for example) it does not give me anything on the skill list to show that I have a specialization. It will add to my total points spent for smarts.
January 21st, 2025, 08:03 #44
Downward Shifts work normally but specialized downshifts past the base d20 did not. I have this fixed and will be in the next update. Same with initiatives, forcing the rolls from the CT worked but skillsheet initiative rolls did not include the snag. Good catch, it'll be fixed in the next patch.
The d20 critical handling looks like it was a misreading on our end. I've suppressed all the critical checks for the d20 die itself. It should be working how the ruleset intended now. (pending next update, of course)
I'm looking at storypoints but it seems to be working on my end. The storypoints count in the bottom is a collection of storypoints from each -active- player sheet. If a player lowers the storypoint count on their sheet, it should lower it on the desktop window the GM uses (CTRL + MOUSEWHEEL to change an editable numeric value). GM storypoints are only for the GM. If no players are connected, the storypoint count won't update.
Vehicles don't have anything for passengers in the side guns. You can just take the gunner and put them in the driver seat to sync their stats then make the roll. Vehicles and Pets are still something we're fine tuning how we want to handle in the CT so there are some limits to what we can and can't do. This may be a good place for an extension developer to go in and rework it to something that works better."If you love it, mod it."
Ruleset Developer
January 21st, 2025, 08:16 #45
We just changed up the charactersheets and I can see this. I'll have a fix for it by the next update.
There is a workaround. You can click to add the specializations (you won't see them but they're there). Then close your charactersheet and the GM can restart the game. on startup, the specializations will show as empty and you can set them from there. If there is 1 specialization showing, the button will work like it's supposed to. Again, I'll have an update this week to fix this so you won't have to use this workaround for long."If you love it, mod it."
Ruleset Developer
January 21st, 2025, 13:41 #46
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Thanks for the quick response, and the work your doing.
January 28th, 2025, 21:20 #47
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The Commando Role Perk: Sneak Attack refers to the Commando Role chart to determine the amount of extra damage it does. I can't seem to find the chart.
Same for the Ranger's Adaptation Points.
January 29th, 2025, 07:32 #48
January 29th, 2025, 13:35 #49
The Bodyguard Focus record Main Tab lists perks gained by level. Below the table are links. The links section is missing Protected Target and Defender's Oath.
January 29th, 2025, 18:46 #50
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