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  1. #21
    OK, I've identified a small bug which is probably the cause of the issue FricKtion ran into. In short, clicking the "Skills by Rank" button on the Skills sidebar causes an erroneous <skilldata> reference node to be created in the db.xml which prevents manually-entered skills from being resolved properly. I'll try to get a fix out for this ASAP, but in the meantime the two workarounds for this would be to either 1) not click the "Skills by Rank" button, or 2) if you already did, manually edit your campaign db.xml to remove the <skilldata /> node below:
    <skilldata />

    ETA: Actually, the same bug exists with the buttons on the Items sidebar as well (with the same workarounds described above):
    <armor />
    <equipment />
    <loadout />
    <skilldata />
    <weapon />

  2. #22
    OK, I've simply removed those problematic buttons for now, to prevent anyone encountering the issue until the root cause is resolved. The update has been uploaded to the Forge.

  3. #23

  4. #24
    Opening the Combat Tracker with the latest FGU version, using the new Core Dark Theme shows a bunch of errors.

    window: Control (label_name) anchoring to an undefined control (rightanchor) in window class (combattracker_host)

  5. #25
    I do see some new warnings and at least one error trying to load the dark desktop theme, but I see these same errors when loading CoreRPG all by itself, so I don't think any of them are specific to this ruleset.

  6. #26
    So here's what I've seen so far:

    1) Combat tracker visual elements are not well aligned.
    2) Items records are all messed up.
    3) Guess not update related but char sheet tabs should be more easily readable if more like NPC tabs, a white font colour.

    Also when we click to open an item record it also pops error messages. I'm uploading the compiled logs.

    Hope it helps!
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Attached Files Attached Files

  7. #27
    Are you using a custom desktop theme? I'm not seeing any issues such as you describe with the default theme (see attached screenshot). While I may look into issues with support for custom themes as time allows, I'm a fan of the work Ranzarok did on the graphic design and I can't say it's high on my priority list.

    ETA: Why is there a pictures tab on the item sheet in your screenshot? The item record in this ruleset doesn't even use a tabbed layout... do you have any other extensions active which could be creating that?

    Last edited by crleonhard; August 15th, 2024 at 23:12.

  8. #28
    I have no extensions on and the "picture" tab, as far as I know, is a feature of the new version of Fantasy Grounds, 4.5.10.

  9. #29
    Ah, you're right -- I had unzipped a copy of CoreRPG from a few days ago, so my local host was still loading that version rather than the latest update. When I load the 8/13 update to CoreRPG I see all the things that broke. Sigh. It's probably going to take me some time to to track down and fix everything that got broken on Tuesday, but I'll try to get to it ASAP.

    ETA: Actually, while I am seeing a lot of problems with undefined anchors with the new CoreRPG update, and tabs/icons are no longer respecting the colors in the ruleset, I'm still not seeing picture tabs on anything as in billyorkfellz's screenshot... Is anyone else seeing a picture tab on everything?
    Last edited by crleonhard; August 16th, 2024 at 02:21.

  10. #30

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