Thread: Advice on Portraits and Tokens
June 14th, 2024, 14:49 #1
Advice on Portraits and Tokens
What's the best way to group or package tokens and portraits?
I recently used an AI text-to-image generator and generated a bunch of portraits and tokens ... I was playing around ... and I mean hundreds of portraits (which I then rounded off to make round tokens)
QUESTION: Is it better to make a bunch of different FORGE portrait and token packs, or is it better to create a module with portrait folders and token folders? I notice if I have too many portraits in a folder, it slows the loading time, so I'm thinking of a max of 25 or 30 portraits per folder. I'm worried individual FORGE packs will take a long time to make, and might make the portraits folder crowded with my portrait packs, but with a module, I could easily create folders and subfolders (though this MIGHT be possible set up through FORGE).
June 14th, 2024, 15:44 #2
How to make token packs https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...+Pack+Creation
How to make Portrait packs https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...+Pack+Creation
And yes, keep them reasonably small.If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here
June 15th, 2024, 03:56 #3
Thank you for the links. That's helpful. I've made token and portrait packs before, but it's been a little while and I'm rusty.
QUESTION: Is there a logistical (or performance) difference between (A) having multiple (say 10) different portrait packs on the forge vs (B) having one big portrait pack on the forge, but with portraits in multiple folders?
QUESTION 2: Ditto tokens. Would there be a difference performance-wise between having multiple token packs on the forge vs just having a token mod with multiple folders?
If it's better to make 10 or 20 items on the forge, I'll do it, but if I can just bundle it but separate images into folders, a bundle would take less time. Thoughts?
June 15th, 2024, 05:14 #4
I suspect the performance hit is going to occur at different points/ 10 modules will have to be loaded when you open the assets window, but opening each bag/folder will be quicker. Having one bag/folder will be quicker opening the assets window, but will be slower when opening the actual folder. I wouldn't worry too much about it myself, as long you you keep each folder to perhaps less than 200 images.
The big performance hit is going to be the resolution and file size of the images. Portraits its and tokens should not be high resolution, and they should be webp file type. Files sizes are detailed here: Developer Guide - Product Guidelines - Fantasy Grounds Customer Portal - Confluence (
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Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.
June 15th, 2024, 05:29 #5
Thank you! That helps. My images are Webp, 200x200, and only in the 5-10kb range! Webp is now my new favorite format, lol. The portraits and tokens look good. My folders are all less than 50, so I'm not terribly worried. I think I'm going to make just a couple of mods then. Thanks for the advice!
June 23rd, 2024, 20:45 #6
For tokens, you going to want to change your format based on the default size of the token.
Larger creatures will want to be higher dimensions.
So if you using a 200x200 for a medium sized creature taking up 1 grid space, you would want to use 400x400 for a creature taking up 2x2 grid space, then a 600x600 for a creature taking up a 3x3 grid space so on.
This will keep the same standard of quality.-MrDDT
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June 24th, 2024, 00:04 #7
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