Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    Deadlands Portraits and Tokens

    I will be releasing on The Forge a series of free portraits and tokens, some (like 19th century US Army military ranks) are public domain, while others are generated by AI and then formatted with irfanview and gimp batch processing.

    19th Century US Military Rank Portraits

    19th Century US Military Rank Tokens

    19th Century US Color Portraits

    19th Century US Color Tokens

    19th Century US Charcoal Portraits

    19th Century US Charcoal Tokens
    Last edited by similarly; June 15th, 2024 at 16:59.

  2. #2
    At a time where we're seeing Forge offerings in the $10+ range it's super nice to see someone just willing to share the way we all used to do, for the sheer joy of doing it (and if you were making it for yourself and your group anyway I think sharing like that is just awesome!) Thank you so much for doing that!
    Lenny Zimmermann
    Metairie, LA

  3. #3
    I've uploaded tokens and portraits. There are about 800 portraits and 800 tokens.

  4. #4
    Later on, I'm going to be remaking some of my old maps, and hopefully making some new ones. I'll be using Dungeon Alchemist. These will also be released for free.

  5. #5
    Thank you for sharing. These are amazing. Cheers!

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