1. #1

    Assistant GM Extension (Fantasy Grounds Unity 5E Ruleset) rude creator

    Assistant GM Extension extension creator is incredibly rude to customers
    I recently asked the creator or the extension 5e Assistant GM Extension creator if this could work with Pathfinder and if it would add enough functionality for a player to DM. I asked because the app allows players to move tokens and Pathfinder uses tokens to so I was just curious if anything could work.

    He was immediately rude. Made fun of me for even asking the question. He brings up the licencing policy for no reason. During the back and forth he called me delusional and crazy. I wanted to buy his app. Then he cried to moderators and had my posts removed to remove the fact of how rude he is to paying customers. I highly recommend that everyone avoids his extension at all costs.
    Last edited by cordent09; May 29th, 2024 at 13:51.

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cordent09 View Post
    Assistant GM Extension extension creator is incredibly rude to customers
    I recently asked the creator or the extension 5e Assistant GM Extension creator if this could work with Pathfinder and if it would add enough functionality for a player to DM. I asked because the app allows players to move tokens and Pathfinder uses tokens to so I was just curious if anything could work.

    He was immediately rude. Made fun of me for even asking the question. He brings up the licencing policy for no reason. During the back and forth he called me delusional and crazy. I wanted to buy his app. Then he cried to moderators and had my posts removed to remove the fact of how rude he is to paying customers. I highly recommend that everyone avoids his extension at all costs.
    This is an inaccurate representation of the events. Quit your harping on about it. You have had your say already. Please desist from further posts on the topic or further interactions with other that are designed to cause friction.

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