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Thread: NPCs and spells

  1. #1

    NPCs and spells

    I'm trying to apply a NPC MUs shield spell to himself. I see the effect on the tracker and mini character sheet, but when i drag and drop the effect nothing happens (Doesn't even look like its dragging actually). I would just manually adjust the A/C, but that would be a PITS because the 4 for Missile and 2 for Melee

    So how do i add spell effects from NPCs to NPCS? It seems to work just fine from the player character sheets, just not from the NPCs

  2. #2
    Are you dragging from the CT or the npc record on the sidebar?

  3. #3
    Make sure your grabbing the button that looks like the silhouette of a man to the CT. I tested from the CT and NPC record and is working fine

  4. #4
    I went ahead and updated so you can drag from the text which is probably what you were trying to do.

  5. #5
    Ok, I guess I was thinking about the 5e game I'm playing where i can grab spell effects from character sheet and drop them off the Combat tracker. I cant get it to work at all on OSE. When I left click the spell effect (the button that looks like the silhouette of a man) it just shows the Necrotic Gnome mascot and doesn't drag. Obviously I'm going something wrong

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Yeah, its not working. Im doing exactly that, its just not dragging the icon. Is there something turned off in settings?

    I recorded a video showing it not working, but I cant share it here

  8. #8
    Upload it to youtube. Are you running extensions?

  9. #9
    I double checked and I'm not running Extensions. Here's the YouTube link

  10. #10
    LoL, ok. Just single click that button one time. If there is an effect it will open the drop down window below. Watch my video again I could probably change the icon to a magnifying glass.

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